Monday, August 17, 2020

Last Days of Summer

We have one week left until school starts.  We are trying to soak up the last few days.  Which is funny because we have already had over five months together.  But the last few days of summer are always precious.  And who knows what the fall holds so I'm trying to get joy in when we can.  

Harper has a best friend who moved to Texas two years ago.  They have been so close since they were little bitty.  They talk all day nearly every day.  We have had such a gift because they have seen each other three times this summer.  

Kampbell's family has a lake house an hour from here.  Last week was her birthday and they invited Hollis to come spend four days there with them.  Hollis has never been so excited about anything in her life. She squealed constantly in the days leadings up to it.  And I've never seen her smile so big! 

Hollis got to go on a boat and tube for the first time.  She had the time of her life! 

She celebrated in style! 

and she swam and swam! 

They had matching tees and matching braids and just so much fun! 

I'm so glad they are so close and I hope their friendship stays strong through the years.  Kampbell's mom is one of my very best friends so I hope we all stay close! Friendship is so important. 

While Hollis was gone, Harper had two full days with one of her best friends.  L spent the night at our house and a day and then Harper went to her house and spent another night and day.  They kept calling and begging to stay together longer.  I'm thankful they have a sweet friendship.  

Close enough to share a cozy! 

Yes it's August and blazing hot - but they are wearing sweatsuits.  This is a preteen girl these days.  I took them to the coffee shop because they love iced coffee.  I never even drank coffee until I was 45.  ha! 

The older my girls get - the harder I'm praying for good friendships! 

We are still on summer schedules - which basically means no schedule.  For the last five months, the kids have slept late and stayed up late.  I go to bed before the girls most nights. They sleep until 9:30 or 10.  It's going to be ROUGH when we are back to getting up by 6 next week.  I know some people prepare or ease in but we will just jump in cold turkey.  Of course now when Will Holden FINALLY started sleeping in until 8:30 and I have to jolt him back.  I really will miss not setting an alarm.  It's been a huge gift.  Since we have no schedule, we can make late night runs to Sonic occasionally! 

I'm going to miss this super long summer but we are all pretty excited for school to start!