Monday, February 24, 2020

Playing Tourist

Bentonville is constantly growing and changing.  We have so many new things coming in.  We played a little tourist on a staycation in the last week.  

Monday the kids were out of school.  Harper spent the night and day at a friends' house so I took the other two to do a few things.  

We went to the 8th street market to eat lunch.  This was an old warehouse/factory and they have turned it into a cool spot with a bunch of restaurants.  They also have food trucks parked outside.  

It's all very artsy and unique.  

Most of it is made up of The Holler.  It's a super cool gathering spot.  A lot of people go to work or have meetings.  They have a huge shuffleboard court which people love.  And a coffee bar.  And food.  

We ate lunch and it was really good.  

I had to get a latte before I left.  It's just such a neat space! 

Later that afternoon we popped in for ice cream at Spark cafe.  This is a walmart themed old fashioned soda shoppe.  It's so good and the ice cream is super cheap! 

Later in the week we went to the Bentonville library to get books.  Hollis is on a reading binge.  

Bentonville is home to Crystal Bridges which is an INCREDIBLE american art museum funded by the Walton family.  And they just turned an old Kraft cheese factory into a modern art museum.  It's called the Momentary and it just opened Saturday.  I got invited to check it out on Friday morning.  

They have an Onyx coffee that is all pink and it's so neat.  

Laurie matched it! 

We had so much fun touring around the art.  Laurie was an art major and an art teacher so she loves art.  

The art was very modern and different but it was neat to visit.  It's a must stop in Bentonville! And you can park at the 8th street market and just walk over.  

We walked over to 8th street and ate at ye-yo's which is Mexican food.  It's delicious if you are in town and need a spot.  

Bentonville was just a very small town when I moved here 25 years.  We had NOTHING.  And I mean NOTHING.  It has grown and changed so much and it's crazy all the neat stuff we have to see and do.  Come and visit! I will roll out the welcome wagon for you! 

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