Monday, July 08, 2019

Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue

The 4th of July is my favorite holiday.  Even above Christmas.  I love summer so I have always loved it.  Swimming, cookouts, fireworks, friends, family........its just the best! 

I love kids in red, white and blue too!!! 

Why do they have to grow up so fast????

The girls spent a week with Scott's parents and they brought them back on Thursday afternoon and stayed the weekend with us.  Soon after they came, we hit the fireworks stand.  We literally lit our money on fire.  Why are they so expensive? 

We always spend the 4th with the Ormons.  It's a 13 year tradition.  We trade off houses and this year was our year to host.  We grilled out hamburgers and Laurie had a big hunk of watermelon. ha! 

The Ormons

Our family.  In typical Arkansas fashion - the kids never wear shoes. ha! And Will Holden always has a weird smile.  

Grandparents and kids

Harper and Sarah Kate - they have grown up together.  

It was 100 degrees but Laurie was wearing long sleeves and a jacket.  See Harper's face? Mine looked the same. ha! She's always cold and I'm always hot.  

So thankful for this sister of mine.  She is my person! 

I posted this picture of Emily and Will Holden on instagram and people kept saying "when did Emily get so big?"  I swear the picture on the left was just yesterday.  I think she was Will Holden's age and now she is a teenager.  

Will Holden LOVED the fireworks.  We set off a ton and then watched the ones going off all around us.  I let him drink tea without even thinking.  Between the excitement of the fireworks and the caffeine of the tea - he didn't go to sleep until 2 a.m.  

We had the BEST time.  

My kids love to look at my time hop pictures.  I had this one when Hollis was 2 and she fell asleep in my lap watching the fireworks so she wanted to recreate it.  

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