Happy July!!!
Thursday, Scott and Steve went to south Arkansas to work on their hunting land. They always go down in the summer and clear things out and fix stuff and get ready for the fall. They took the girls with them to spend a week at Scott's parents.
That left me and Will Holden with a 4 day Mommy/son weekend. I tried to make the most of it and do things WH loves to do. (And possibly make every effort to wear him out so he would sleep good at night. ha!)
First up - we went swimming on Thursday afternoon. It has turned HOT over the last week so swimming is the one thing that really sounds fun. We went to Walmart and then came home and had dinner and then after dinner, he played in the sprinklers forever.
Friday we had a lazy morning and I got some work done around the house. I had an appointment and a meeting in the afternoon so he had a babysitter for a little bit and as soon as she left we headed to Chuck E Cheese for a little fun. I actually love going and playing games as much as he does. He was THRILLED. We came home afterwards and ate dinner and just relaxed and watched a movie.
Will and the mouse
Saturday morning we headed to the Farmer's Market. I LOVE the farmer's market but honestly we don't go often because we usually move so slow on Saturday mornings if we don't have a lot to do and I don't ever feel like getting everyone up and ready to go before it's too miserable hot to be there. But with just one kid who was up early anyway - it was perfect. We had a great time walking around and looking at everything. It's our on town square and there is always a lot going on.
These three girls were making balloon animals. They made WH a sword.
The big thing WH begged to do this weekend was go to the children's museum. The girls go often on field trips but he hasn't been in a while so he had the best time.
He ran from thing to thing and had so much fun playing!
In the kitchen/store - he made me thing tray of food complete with a flower and said "Happy Mother's Day Momma". It was so sweet. Also - he knows his momma loves bacon. ha!
I love this little nugget.
Saturday night we headed over and went to dinner with Laurie and her girls and our youth intern Mercedes. We had a great time and then came back and hung out for a while. WH is missing his sisters so much so he had a great time playing with Sarah Kate and she was so sweet to him.
Will and I went to church this morning and then went swimming for a few hours. When we got home, Scott had made it home. We were so happy to see him. The girls are coming back on the 4th with Scott's parents. They are staying with us and celebrating the 4th. We will be glad to have them back but they are having a great time!