Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Weekend Fun

Friday was our first free day of the summer.  We had no plans (other than the termite guy coming to our house) so I decided to take the kids and have some fun downtown.  I had to get some coffee first because - Jesus and caffeine - two of my necessities this summer. ha! 

(Shirt is bellandmay.com and you can get 15% off and free shipping with KELLY15)

We played at a park for a while and then walked down to the splash park.  It was a hot morning so the kids cooled off by walking through the water.  

Then we took the Crystal Bridges trail and kept walking.  

We had to stop for a few pictures! 

Please notice Hollis' face.  After the picture she said "I looked real mad in those." ha ha

She's ruling Bentonville here! 

We came home and everyone took showers and I grilled out our dinner.  

Harper went and spent the night with Sarah Kate.  They have new almost matching backpacks that they wear everywhere.  

This is the only picture I took the rest of the weekend! ha! I'm trying to step back a little this summer on social media.  I'm trying to live a little more in the moment and enjoy the kids.  We went to the city in the morning and got a truck load of dirt to fill holes in our back yard.  Scott worked on that and I trimmed all of our trees and bushes and then cleaned all that up and pulled weeds.  We ended up working in the yard for about 6 hours on Saturday.  We were wiped after all that.  We all showered and had on pj's by about 4.  I grilled out dinner and we just relaxed that night.  

Sunday we went to church and then had lunch with our friends and then we all went to a pool to swim.  It was a nice weekend.  I have to admit - it's freeing when I'm not rushing everyone to bed on Sunday night because we have school on Monday.  Even though it's complicated trying to work from home and get things done with three kids with me constantly - we are having a MUCH slower pace right now and it's been so good for all of us.