We have been having a fun week. Hollis is in a soccer camp at the U of A. It's just from 9-12 and we live 40 minutes away so it doesn't make sense to go home so we have been adventuring around town while she is there. I lived in Fayetteville for 7 years but I rarely go there anymore so it's fun to do all the things while we are there. And the weather has been CRAZY amazing - it's been very cool in the mornings and not hot and humid at all.
Monday we had to run a couple of errands and then I took the kids walking all around campus. Fayetteville is SUPER hilly so it's a hike! I love the campus - it's so pretty!
Of course I had to take a few pictures of Will Holden by the stadium - who knows - maybe he will be playing there one day. ha!
We love our hogs! We picked up Hollis from her first day and we went to lunch and then hit a store before heading home.
That afternoon our Hogs won a super regional and are headed to Omaha!! We are so excited!
Hollis was nervous about going to camp but a girl from her team this year is in her group and that made her feel more confident. It's a super well run and organized camp and she's loving it.
Tuesday was an AMAZING day. We ran to Target first to do a few things and then we went to Wilson Park. It's a pretty park and we loved exploring!
This boy.
They had a fun playground and the kids loved playing.
Calling those hogs!
We came home Tuesday to get the house ready and make food because we had special guests for dinner that night.
We have three really amazing girls from OBU working at our church this summer. One is living with Laurie and they are out of town this week so I thought I would have them over for dinner. We had the best time. They were so sweet to our kids. They asked them a lot of questions and really talked to them. Harper was just enamored with them. They are solid and Godly girls and I'm so thankful they are pouring into the girls at church this summer. I hope we get girls like this in a few years when Harper and Hollis get in youth.
Yesterday it was raining so we dropped off Hollis and ran to walmart and target and then to the mall. I haven't been to the mall in Fayetteville in probably 12 years. My poor kids never go to malls except maybe if we are on a trip so it's a big deal to them. Harper loved it. She had so much fun shopping stores. She's hit the age where she really enjoys shopping and is so fun to be with. It's a little complicated taking WH into stores but we had a good time.
Because of the rain - they held soccer camp inside and Hollis got to scrimmage in the football indoor facility which I thought was more neat than she did. ha!
We went to one of our favorites - U S Pizza and ate outside because it was so nice.
Then we went back and walked around campus some more. I love the school in the summer when it's empty. I used to love Fayetteville in the summer because it would be so much quieter and less crowded.
We found my parents names in the sidewalk and took pictures by them.
The last time we did that - Hollis had a paci in her mouth. ha!
Miss these little razorback smocked dresses!
And these !
We had the best time walking around and then came home and ate dinner and they played outside more until dark. I realized that we went the entire day without TV or screens. It's a rare but wonderful day when that happens!