Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Thursday morning, Harper had 4th grade graduation.  

Our school isn't big enough to hold it so they have it at our high school.  It was such a sweet morning and they all got to walk across and get their "diploma".  

Harper was thrilled to get her diploma

They had a slideshow with pictures of their grade since kindergarten.  So many cute pictures including this one of Harper on her first day.  Could she look any sweeter? Or more like a baby? 

Hollis was at school and missed it.  I offered to let her miss school and come but she wanted to be at school. ha! Will Holden was twinning with his big sister! 

Harper and her best friends.  Such a sweet group! 

We didn't have anyone to take a family picture so we just took turns. 

I love this girl! 

Afterwards, Scott went on to work and the moms all took these girls to lunch.  They had so much fun together and we moms enjoyed visiting.  I'm SO grateful for how Harper has made good friends this year.  And that they will all be together in middle school next year.  

NO one had a better time than Will Holden who had to come to the lunch too.  He was THRILLED to be with all the girls.  He especially loves Lilian.  

Friday morning, the 4th graders do a final walk through of the school.  All the other grades line the halls and cheer and clap.  Any graduating senior who went to our elementary also comes back and walks through in their caps and gown.  This was the thing that made me cry the most.  We have loved this school so much! 

Big sisters and their tiny siblings.  

They have a reception afterwards for 4th graders and parents.  

I'm SO proud of this girl! 

Kindergarten graduation to 4th grade graduation.  She went in just a little bitty girl and is now so grown up.  She's such a sweet and kind girl and I'm thankful for who she is and I'm upping my prayers for her as she enters bigger waters ahead.  

This is also the last time I will have two kids at the same school until Harper is a junior.  I have loved these two being together for the last 3 years.  We will be at three different schools next year which is a little crazy but fun! 

Meanwhile, Hollis' soccer team won the U8 soccer championship.  They went undefeated this season.  We missed the final game which we HATED but she got to pick up her medal and trophy last week.  No one in the history of time has ever been more proud of a trophy than this girl.  Our fingers are crossed we get the same team and coach next year.  

And today is our last day of school!!!! We are ready for you summer!!! 

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