Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Life lately

I am knee deep in Single-apalooza right now.  If you need more info on that - refer to the prior post! 

Here is a little of what else has been happening around here! 

I am helping work with a team who is planning a huge day of giving for NWA.  We are helping hundreds of non profits and I'm helping organize local influencers who are spreading the word.  We met at a newer place in town Thursday night called the Holler.  I haven't been because I feel like I'm not hip or cool enough to hang out there.  

Brooke is someone who I have "known" for a LONG time and have been "internet friends" with for about a year but we have just never met in person.  She was at the meeting and we got to hug and talk and it was so great!! She's just a precious person.  She runs BTribalFit.  It's an online workout community.  She will motivate you like no one else will.  

I also got to meet Bridget who is the mom of 8 (soon to be 9).  They homeschool and used to tour in an RV and are about to go to Australia for 2 months.  CRAZY! 

Friday morning I met Susan for Breakfast at Pressroom downtown to celebrate her birthday a little late.  We had a great time.  

My little razorback fan! I sent him to school Friday not knowing it was "team day".  I missed the memo but thankfully I had put him in a hog shirt anyway.  

Friday night our women's ministry hosted an event for Single women and my friend Marci and I met to decorate for it Friday afternoon.  Will Holden LOVES to "hold the door for the ladies" any chance he gets.  

Saturday morning I took Harper shopping for a dress for the daddy/daughter dance this weekend.  We didn't have the best luck.  All the "girl" dresses didn't fit her great so we went to the junior section and everything there was low cut or WAY too mature.  We finally found something that will work.  It's a challenge when they get to those in between years.  But we had a good time together just the two of us.  

Harper went home with Sarah Kate Saturday afternoon and spent the night.  Then Sarah Kate came home with us after church and spent a few hours on Sunday.  They love being together and I love that! 

Hollis went home with Joseph on Sunday afternoon to play for a few hours.  They have been good friends since they were one and I love that they still love being together.  

We didn't go to a Super Bowl party.  Scott likes to watch the game at home and I really don't care much.  I fixed wings for the first time and they were actually really good.  


We have been back to school this week and bible study and normal stuff.  It's been usually warm this week so we have tried to spend time outdoors while we can.

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