Friday, March 30, 2018

It's Up to You New York

Sunday was Scott's birthday! It was my favorite day we spent in New York.  

We left early and stopped for a bagel right by our hotel.  Then we ubered over to church.  

The highlight of our trip was attending Hillsong church.  It was AMAZING! I cried the entire service.  We had to wait in line outside and then go to security just to get inside.  It was completely packed with people.  And everyone was so friendly and kind!! We had so many come and talk to us and I've never felt so welcomed.  It was such a diverse church and we LOVED that.  I couldn't quit smiling.  The worship was amazing and so was the sermon.  We couldn't stop talking about it.  When we left church, we walked to lunch and talked and cried the whole way about the experience.  

Us in church

We had reservations at Tavern on the Green for lunch.  It's so beautiful and the food was good but we were totally distracted and frazzled because about this time, we found out Scott's mom (who was keeping our kids) had to take his dad to the ER.  We were trying to help her find the hospital and it was SO LOUD in the restaurant and Laurie and Steve came over to keep our kids.  Thankfully he ended up being fine but we were so nervous.  

When we left Tavern we wanted to walk around Central Park.  It had been nice weather the first two days we were there but Sunday was FREEZING and so windy.  We decided we would take a pedicab around the park so we could see it all quickly.  Of course we nearly passed out after we got on and the driver said he would give us an hour ride and it would be $300.  Scott talked him down to a quicker, cheaper ride. ha! (That still wasn't cheap) 

The mall of Central Park - it's so pretty.  

I need to go back on a warmer day and wander all around.  

After central park, we walked back to our hotel to grab Scott a warmer coat and get gloves and hats and just warm up for a bit.  

We went by Magnolia Bakery and got banana pudding! It was delicious.  

Then we took the subway down to the Brooklyn Bridge.  

We had fun walking on the bridge.  We would have loved it more on a warmer day. ha! 

After the bridge we decided to walk down by the financial district.  

I had to take a picture of my Milk and Honey tee.  I took over their insta stories this week! 

Scott had to get a picture with the bull.  

The stock market 

 It was Sunday night and Wall Street was pretty much a ghost town.  We were loving it.  We had several streets to ourselves and we enjoyed the quiet.  New York is amazing but SO LOUD! All the honking and sirens and every restaurant is so loud we nearly had to text each other to communicate.  

We had dinner at the Smith that night.  It was really good but I didn't take any pictures except the one Scott got of his burger.  

Monday morning we had brunch at Sara Beth's near Central Park.  I was so excited about this meal but I wasn't feeling great that morning.  Scott got pancakes and all I could eat was a bowl of fruit.  And I only half ate that.  I hate I missed out on the lemon ricotta pancakes.  

We did a little more walking after this and then had to head to the airport to come home.  It was such a great get away.  Scott and I hadn't been alone for more than a couple of hours in five years.  It really didn't matter where we went - it was just good for us to be alone.  

Next week I will blog how I planned the surprise and how I planned the trip.  And I will answer any questions you want to ask!!! :-)