Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Swimming and Snow Cones

I have really been falling off the blogging train lately but man May is so crazy!!!! It has been non stop and I'm so tired at night I can barely remember what we did! 

Last week we did swim lessons.  Will Holden did them but he absolutely HATED swimming.  I was so surprised.  I expected him to be diving in but he lost his mind when it was his turn.  He would say "no no no swimming" every time we went.  So he didn't spend much time in the pool.  

He spent more time eating snacks and watching his sisters.  

The girls did great.  They LOVE swimming.  I think we are going to do a swim team this summer - which means they will be swimming almost every day. I think it will be great for them.  

One night last week we met up with Dale Benfield, an amazing photographer in our area, and he took pictures of the girls and I for a thing we are doing with Gap soon.  He was so nice and it easy to work with.  He did a little blog post on it.

The girls had Mismatch day one day for school.  Or basically pick out your own clothes day.  

I love when my kids are fresh from baths and in their pj's every night.  We always snuggle and watch a little tv and read and pray.  It's always a sweet time.  And sometimes I am just ready for bedtime. ha! 

We had field day last Friday and OF COURSE it was pouring rain.  It ALWAYS does on field day.  WHY? Thankfully they moved stuff around and they ended up being able to do it in the afternoon but it was COLD compared to what it had been.  

The kindergarten always has a field trip downtown at the splash park and then they eat lunch and go to another downtown park.  Will Holden and I got to meet up with Hollis and see for a while on that day.  

Will Holden had a great time.  But he hated the splash park.  He loves his bath.  But it doesn't love any other water.  I have a feeling it will grow on him! 

We met up with friends after school one day for snow cones.  It was 6 boys and my girls (and WH who was more interested in his snow cone and running around then taking a picture).  The boys were playing with a football and some dude perfect thing.  My girls just stood off watching them like they were from mars.  They didn't know what to do with those boys.  

Today I had lunch with the other PTO officers from this year.  We have had a great year.  PTO is a LOT of work.  I have loved it.  Three of these moms are moving states.  I'm taking next year off from PTO because it's just too hard with a toddler at home.  But I'm sure I will be back over the next 8 years.  I am the social media chairman and I will stay that way.  That's an easy job for me to fill!!!

We have birthday parties, a talent show and kindergarten graduation coming up and 7 more days of school.  And I have a fun day trip with my friends on Saturday coming up.  And then we will take a deep breath and get ready for June!