Monday, April 11, 2016


So just a few snapshots of our life lately.  

Last Tuesday, the girls had dentist appointments around lunch time.  I decided it wasn't worth it for Harper to go back to school for like an hour and it was a beautiful day so we played hooky and went to the park to play and then walked around the square.  

We decided to get ice cream at our local ice cream soda fountain and we ran into one of our sweet babysitters who is now working there.  The girls were thrilled! 

Thursday Hollis had a friend over to play.  She was so excited.  Thursdays are our free days at home and while I still have Hollis home on these days, I have decided it's fun to let her have play dates.  She loves getting to have a friend come and while they play - its easier for me to get things done.  I love watching her play with friends.  

Hollis really wanted to let Will Holden try out the two seater cart at Wal-Mart with her.  He did pretty good.  He has the hardest time sitting up in the front of the wal-mart cart - he is always slipping down.  It stresses me out.  

I love that Will loves to hold a blanket and suck his thumb.  Why is this the sweetest thing to me? We worked in the nursery yesterday with the one year olds.  WH isn't in that room yet but we had ten kids and only two were boys.  And the boys both had little blankies and pacis.  It just makes me so happy to see the sweet little boys and their blankies.  

Wednesday, I spent the day with Laurie (and Will Holden) to celebrate her birthday.  We went to some of our favorite shops and ate at our favorite place - Tacos 4 Life.  We had such a good time! 

We had a very laid back weekend.  We spent most of it at home just doing adult stuff like cleaning. ha! We have a really nice community center in our town that I just joined a few months ago and they have an indoor aquatic center.  I have been promising to take the girls for a while so we finally went.  They had the BEST time.  I forsee a ton of trips soon.  Plus we don't have to worry about sunscreen and it's shallow! 

This boy.  How cute is his Milk and Honey tee? 

He has terrible separation anxiety right now.  He HATES when I take him to the nursery.  The minute we walk in he turns beet red and screams.  It's pleasant.  I had to be at church a lot yesterday between services and meetings so I feel like I owe the nursery workers a few Sonic cards or something.  I know he will grow out of it so we are pushing through.

What can I say? The boy loves his momma.  ha ha ha! 

And Harper was student of the week in her class this week and her teacher also picked her to be the Terrific Kid for the month.  She sent me a sweet email about her and I got to go to the weekly assembly and see her this morning.  I'm so proud of her.

So that's just a few snapshots out of our week.