Thursday, January 14, 2016

Friday Randoms

I just have a few random Friday things for you today.  

Many of you remember me sharing about precious Leslie Sisti who was a blogger who met her husband through my Singles' Day and she and Stephen live in NWA and have two sweet girls.  Leslie passed away this past summer (which I still can't hardly believe is true) from health issues that had to do with her heart.  I know many of you helped to raise money for their family and many of you helped Stephen by sending clothes for the girls.  Leslie was a fashion blogger and always looked so cute and I know it would make her so happy to know her girls have been taken care for a while with something that seems very simple but it's been a huge help to Stephen and one thing he didn't have to worry with.  So many of you were SO generous.  I ran into him at the grocery store recently and I was a little teary walking away because it was so precious how sweet he was with his girls (before he even knew I saw him) and it was obvious he is doing a great job.  He asked if he could send a thank you to the blog readers who helped him and this is what he asked to share:

I would like to sincerely thank each and every person who donated clothes to the girls as part of the clothing drive.  It was overwhelming to see all the support for Leslie and our girls and meant more to me than I can express in words.  Leslie would be so proud of the outfits that the girls have been able to wear as they are exactly what she would have dressed them in.  We are so grateful for the generosity that you all have showed during what has been a difficult time.

Because so many of you followed Leslie, I also wanted to share a quick update on the girls.  They are doing great!  Both girls are smart and sweet little girls.  Caroline is just over 2 years old now and loves to talk and sing.  Although a little shy at first, once she gets to know you, she will talk your ear off.  Ainsley turned 1 in December and has just started to walk.  Ainsley is such a sweet little girl that will smile and laugh at anyone.  Our family is adjusting to our new normal, if it can be called that.  We miss Leslie everyday as I know many of you do too, but know that she is watching over us and watching her little girls grow up!

Please continue to keep Stephen in your prayers.  I know he appreciates them so much! 

I've had a pretty slow week at home which has been SO welcomed!! My laundry was almost caught up for like a day! (WHERE DOES ALL THE LAUNDRY COME FROM!!!!!) 

I feel like I can't get much done because as pictured above - Will Holden prefers that I hold him all day.  He doesn't want me to sit and hold him.  He wants me to stand and walk around holding all 21 pounds of him.  So many of you have suggested I wear him but I have tried that with all three kids and with about 4 different kinds of carriers and I just can't get the hang of it.  I think it's almost easier just to hold him.  And put him down for the 3 minutes he can take before he starts crying for me again.  ha ha ha! At least this time around I know it's just a very quick phase.  And I probably did this to myself because I just want to hold him all the time but there ARE times when momma needs to DO SOME THINGS.  ha! 

I went back to the long bob today.  

At least every year and a half the bob just cries out to me to come back.  And I do.  

So first they are doing four more episodes of Gilmore Girls which has made me endlessly happy and now I find out that there will be a Friends reunion in a few weeks? My life is complete.  

Speaking of hair, I completely had the Rachel cut probably circa 1997.  Raise your hand if you did too? And if you didn't and are near my age, why on earth did you not? It was the best! 

My favorite six year old turns seven on Saturday and I can hardly believe it so we have a weekend full of celebrating to do! Hope your weekend is great too!