Thursday, October 01, 2015

Cleaning Poll

I was cleaning this week and I am always wondering what is normal when it comes to cleaning.

So I thought I would do a fun little cleaning poll on the old blog.

If you don't have housekeepers - or I guess if you do - answer these questions honestly.  It will be fun to see what's normal? At least among mom blogger readers! :-)

How often do you mop your floors?

Every Week
2x a week
Every other week
Once a month or longer
Poll Maker

How often do you clean bathrooms?

Every Week
2x a week
Every other week
Once a month or longer
Quiz Maker

How often do you wash sheets?

Every week
Every other week
Once a month
When you think about it or someone wets the bed
Quiz Maker

What's more important to you?

A clutter free house
A clean house (as in dusted, mopped, etc)

Free Poll creator

What other cleaning questions do you have? Pose them in the comments and we can answer each other? I just always wonder how people keep their homes clean.  Like tell us what are your favorite cleaning products??????

And on the topic of cleaning - I have to share something else that I recently tried out.  A friend told me about it and I checked it out and sort of love it!  Have you tried ePantry? They have all kinds of non chemical cleaners and products that you can order and it ships so fast and at a great price.  As a mom of littles, I'm all about anything easy.  They will even schedule another shipment of similar products when they think you will possibly run out.  But you can change the shipments at any time.  They have baby items too! I love Method cleaners and I'm trying out several right now and the nerd in me gets REAL excited about cleaning products!

If you want to try it out - Use this link and you will get a free thing of Meyer's Dish Packs plus $10 and free shipping!!!!! ($20 minimum order) Try it out and let me know what you think!
(or click below)

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