Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowgirls.
(We had cowboy day at preschool yesterday and I could just eat this girl up she looked so cute!)
So I'm trying to get my Blog Groove back.
Every now and then I get requests on here or on my IG that say things like
"Will you blog about {blank}??????"
So I'm wondering what subjects you would be interested for me to blog about - CLEARLY that doesn't mean I'm an expert on any of these topics but I could always get a discussion started and I love when y'all pipe in and continue in the comments.
So is there anything you would like to read blog posts on? I'm curious.
{And YES - I'm going back to the State Travel Guide on Fridays. I got a little stalled out when I go to C's but I will pick that back up next week and YES - I plan to do a weight loss/health update tomorrow!!!! So check back!}
{And YES - I'm going back to the State Travel Guide on Fridays. I got a little stalled out when I go to C's but I will pick that back up next week and YES - I plan to do a weight loss/health update tomorrow!!!! So check back!}