Thursday, September 03, 2015

Hearing Update


Next Friday I am going to do a special link up for all parents of special needs children (any kind).  I did this in the past and I have had a lot of requests lately and I think it's a great idea.  Having any kind of special need can make you feel lonely or just wishing you could talk to someone who understands or who you can ask questions to.  I'm hoping we can connect a lot of moms with this! So tell your friends and please come join next Friday.  

Harper had an appointment in Little Rock at Children's Hospital today with her audiologist.  We go around every six months these days.  Thankfully my parents called and offered to come keep Hollis and Will Holden for me so I could take Harper alone! Scott had planned to take off but this way he didn't have to.  I SO enjoyed getting to have a day alone with this girl! And it was such an easy trip!

Harper did a great job of testing.  It can be a little long and grueling but she always has a great attitude about it! 

She used to be hysterical and so upset when we had to get new ear molds made and now she LOVES it.  She's holding the molds our doctor made of her ears and they will be made into new ones! She has been saying for weeks that she wanted "black sparkle molds" because "they would make it look like her brain is watching TV".  (The things she says!)

But when we looked at a catalog she changed her mind and got pink tiger striped ones with silver glitter.  Because why not? 

Harper's hearing was for the most part stable.  It decreased some in the frequencies that she hears a little better but the ones where it's more severe stayed stable.  So it is continuing to decrease but gradually.  She is functioning SO well and doing AMAZING in school so will just continue to monitor her and just take the changes as they come.  The FM system the school provided helps so much so that she can hear her teacher directly into her ear.  

Our precious Audiologist Jan.  I always take their picture together at our appointments because she is such an important part of Harper's story.  The picture on the left is when we first began this journey - the day of Harper's ABR when we knew for sure she had hearing loss and here we are five years later thriving and doing so well! 

My friend Somer suggested I take Harper for a treat afterwards at a cute Ice Cream place near downtown Little Rock.  It's in a cute part of Little Rock I had never seen before.  We loved it! 

Harper and I just had the best day together! 

But I was so glad to get home and see my other babies! 

Here are a few posts I have written on our hearing loss journey if anyone just needs to connect:

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