Tuesday, August 04, 2015

First day of First Grade

So somewhere along the way this sweet baby

turned into this teenager.  

Well maybe she isn't a teenager yet but I feel like she might as well be. 

She started first grade on Monday.  

It's so hard for me to believe.  I would love to say I was sad but I think she's at such a perfect age and school is so fun that I'm more happy and excited than sad. 

 She was super excited to go back and see her friends.  

If you know me, you know my disdain for cats.  (I'm sorry cat fans).  But Harper picked this backpack out and I was not going to say no.  I'm completely fine with cats on backpacks or even shirts - just not a live one in my house. 

Scott and I walked her in to her new class.  She made herself right at home and got all settled in. 

She's such a shy wallflower.  

When I picked her up after school she said "Guess what mom? EVERYONE wanted to be my friend". 

I got so tickled today that I was crying because Laurie and I were talking about school and car line and she said something about when Will Holden being in 3rd grade and I said "LAURIE - I will be FIFTY when Will Holden is in the 3rd grade.  FIFTY. "  Keep the blond and Oil of Olay coming! (FIFTY! I hope all the 25 year old moms will let me hang out with them).  

Last year I hosted a first day breakfast for the moms I knew from our school.  It was a great distraction for me and it was really fun to visit with other moms.  I decided to keep it going this year. I had around 20 moms come over right after drop off.  It was a little stressful to try and get us out the door by 7 and all dressed AND have my house ready for a brunch but it worked! I made a breakfast casserole, sausage balls, two kinds of muffins and the BEST (and easy) cinnamon bun monkey bread.  I didn't take any pictures once the moms came but we had a great time! 

And I guess I can keep hosting for another 10 years (and invite the moms who are half my age by then!) 

The years really do just sail by.  And apparently I have a thing for red bows and blue outfits on the first day! I feel an urgency to make each moment count when I look at this comparison picture and realize how quickly this went.  Sometimes between the dishes and the piles of laundry and the constant diaper changes I wonder what I'm doing with my life and then I realize I'm raising three little  people to be world changers and being a mom seems pretty important after all.  

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