Monday, June 29, 2015

Summa Summa Summertime

First - I want to say that if you live in Arizona or have ever lived there or have visited a lot - send me your Arizona recommendations for Friday's post!!! I hope that one day all of the state round ups will be helpful! I'm working on getting them put on one spot for easy access!

Last week was our first real week of summer and we had a fun but busy one.

Tuesday we met some friends to see "Inside Out".  I didn't take a picture but we had a lot of fun.  Will Holden didn't sleep a minute during the movie but he was really good.

After the movie we met some more friends for ice cream at this old fashioned ice cream shop on our town square.  It was a HOT day so it felt good to get inside.

Then we let the kids run around and play on the square and put their feet in the fountain.  We went swimming with friends the next day but I didn't take any pictures.  The girls LOVED swimming.  I've got to figure out how to take them more often.  It's a little tricky with a baby.  :-) 

Will Holden had his two month appointment on Thursday.  He has grown a lot.  He weighted 12 lbs 10 oz and was 23 inches long.  Doesn't he look THRILLED that his sisters are holding him? He had to get shots and he did really well but he wasn't a happy camper the rest of the day so I pretty much just snuggled and loved on him until bed time. 

We also fit in a birthday party at a jump place. It was 5000 degrees in there but we had a lot of fun! 

Saturday we met Scott's parents halfway to send the girls to "Grandparent Camp" for a week.  I don't know who was more excited - the girls or their grandparents.  I used to spend a few weeks every summer with both sets of my grandparents.  I can honestly say that those weeks are the BEST memories I have of my childhood.  Not that I don't have amazing memories with my own family but there is something extra special about grandparents.  Maybe it's that they let you ice cream any time you want and spoil you and rarely say no.  Hmmmmm......... maybe that's it. ha! 

Harper called me today from their home phone and said "Mom - I am calling you from a REAL telephone."  My poor children have never seen a real telephone.  I tried to explain to them the other day that when I was a kid we didn't have cell phones or computers or iPads.  I think it blew their minds a little.  And made me feel like I was 87. 

This little buddy is spending the week with me.  I wish I could say I was getting a ton done but he's not fond of daytime sleeping.  So I mostly carry him around but I'm getting a few things done and enjoying some one on one time.  

My friend Julee and her daughter Preslee were in town this weekend and came by for a visit.  I was SOOO excited to see them.  I wish they lived closer.  They were headed to a fireworks show so they were festive and patriotic.  

Meanwhile the girls are fishing and having the best time.  Harper LOVES to fish - she may get on the FLW tour one of these days! 

I will just leave you with this little smiling boy in case you are having a bad day - hopefully it will make you smile! :-) 

Friday, June 26, 2015


So I wasn't sure how much feedback I would get on Alaska.  I didn't know if I knew anyone in Alaska or if anyone would read this blog from Alaska! But apparently there are more than I think.

All of the following advice comes  from people who are from Alaska or have lived in Alaska (Thanks especially to my friend Tara!!)  And if you have any more to add - please do in the comments!!!

Moose's Tooth pizza -we've been all over the world and this is still one of our favorites.

Orso on 5th Street

Glacier Brewhouse on 5th St.

Double Musky in Girdwood 
Alaska Ana Gwennie's in Anchorage for a more Alaskan experience

Fun places to visit in Anchorage:  

Wildberry Chocolate Factory

Earthquake Park

Flattop Mountain- you can climb up to a viewing station without much exertion or climb all the way to the top

Lots of trails for walks and biking

Outside the city-  even in the summer you can visit establishments for sled dogs.  Plettner Kennels was great when we were there- I'm not sure if Lynda still runs tours but she was located in Wasilla which is a town up in a valley north of Anchorage

Denali Natl Park- who wouldn't want to see Mt. McKinley!?

You can cruise the Prince William Sound- going through the tunnel through the mountain is kind of fun and there are various day cruises- we always saw whales and sea otters and you can get into coves where the glaciers are calving

Bird Point is a fun stop on the way to Seward.  If you're lucky you might see beluga whales in the water.

If you were to fly into Anchorage, you can take the train to Seward and cruise out.  Lots of wildlife on the way.  Exit Glacier is in Seward and that's fun to visit.

Seward has a lot of day tours to see wildlife.

For military peeps, TONS of MWR options to check into!!  Rent campers on base, commissary is very large, great cabins and such to rent around the state.

We went to Homer once and enjoyed a B&B there and then took a water taxi to a place to hike.  Beach is nice to camp on.

If you go during the times salmon are running, it's crazy on the water, but definitely fun for the fishermen.  Little Russian River was a nice spot.


Valdez is the Hawaii of Alaska! Absolutely beautiful and a summer vacation spot for a lot of Alaskans! The Chugach mountain range, Mt. McKinnley, North Pole. In Valdez you must eat at The Harbor Cafe: Off the Hook--amazing cuisine! Horsetail and Bridal Veil falls are beautiful waterfalls in Valdez. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Two Months Old

 Will Holden you are two months old!!!! 

Time is just zipping by! I love your little sideways Elvis Presley grin! 

Tomorrow you have your two month appointment.  I'm excited to see how much you have grown although I can see with my eyes that you have without a scale.

You wear size 2 diapers and 0-3 months clothes.  

You are a GREAT sleeper.  I can't say enough how thankful I am for that.  I need to quit bragging because I have a feeling you may change on me but for now you get up once a night and normally have a seven hour stretch.  Then you will sleep until about 7:30 every morning.  

Now the daytime is a different story.  You sleep basically NONE during the day.  You take very short cat naps and usually only if we are in the car.  I can't get you to nap at home to save my life.  But since we go a lot and since you sleep at night - I'm not complaining! 

You have started smiling and cooing.  You are always SOOO happy to see your daddy at night (I think you are probably relieved to see another guy after all day with me and your sisters. ha!)  You also just giggle at your sisters.  And they LOVE to make you smile and laugh.  

You eat basically every two hours during the day.  You are a hungry little growing boy! 

Clearly you are getting fed well.  You have filled out a lot since last month! It's so fun watching you grow! 

I love doing this comparison to see you grow.  Do you think it would be weird if I kept it going through your high school days? 

I'm kidding.

Kind of. 

And I love comparing you with your sisters in pictures.  Everyone says you look like Hollis but when I put the pictures up - it's clear you look like Harper.  I think you and Harper take after your daddy.  I can't wait to see what your personality will be like.  

I feel like your hair is almost a reddish tint - sort of strawberry blond.  I'm not sure where that comes from so it will be interesting to see what it's like in a year.  My pap-pa was red headed so I guess you never know! I would be so thrilled if you took after him! 

You are such a little baby full of joy.  You get more content and more happy by the day.  You struggled for a few weeks but now you are really just an easy baby.  I'm so thankful you joined our family!

Happy two months Will Holden! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Love will keep us together

So I quit breastfeeding.

Which is a personal and private decision and no one's business really.  But I'm sharing this because when I told a couple of friends they all at different times said "Oh I hope you don't post that........because you will get beat up for it".  And I realized that I was a little worried to say it out loud for fear that people would tell me I was a bad mom.

And that's CRAZY.

I'm a HUGE breastfeeding advocate.  I'm one who really thinks breast is best.  I nursed both girls for almost a year.  But I just had a lot of various issues with Will Holden and it was NOT going well.  And finally after about 5 weeks, late one night I gave up and drove to the store and bought some formula and he was like a new baby after that.  He was much happier and honestly, I was much happier.  And the girls LOVE giving him bottles and Scott gets up with him at night on the weekends.  It's just worked for us.  And nursing just did not.

And I hate that I worry about what people might think.

And I hate that we as moms tend to judge other moms.  I've done it.  You have done it.  Not Biblical issues or moral or ethical issues.  We judge each other on decisions that our different than our own.  Sometimes it's just because we don't understand the other side.

I've been on both sides of the coin on a few issues and it's really opened my eyes.  Two years ago I would tell you that being a stay at home mom was the hardest thing you could do.  And then last year I worked most of the year.  And now I will tell you that being a working mom (and I was only part time) is really tough.  I still think it's hard to stay home with little kids sometimes but I'm so grateful to do it.  Actually, they are both hard but in different ways and we shouldn't look at the other and determine it's wrong.

I've been thinking a lot about what happened in Charleston this past week.  It's so hard for me to understand how racism exists and how someone would kill people because of the color of their skin.  I know it exists.  And I know people will say that it doesn't but I think unless you have had people dislike you or reject you just because of what you look like you can't understand how hurtful racism is.  I can't pretend to understand.

And I'm not comparing motherhood and judging each other to this but I can't help but recognize a similarity.  The part where we don't know what we don't understand.

And as much as I hate what happened and as much as I grieve for the families of those who died, I can't help but be inspired by those faithful people who were in that church that night.  They were there on a Wednesday night.  (And let's face it, even some of the most faithful Southern Baptists don't go to church on Wednesday nights anymore).  And someone came in who did not look like he belonged but they welcomed him in (and if we are honest - what does this say about most of us? Would we do the same?)  They spent their last hour praying to the God they would soon meet face to face.  And when that man took their lives, their friends and family have offered him forgiveness.

The people of Charleston are demonstrating how we as Christians should all live our lives.  Christ died for ALL of us.  If He could love me enough to die for me, I guess I can love others since He ASKED me to.  No matter the color of their skin or how many children they have or if they homeschool or do public school.

I hate when people throw out the "The Bible says not to judge" card.  I don't think we should judge others.  At least not on things that don't matter eternally.  But I do think when it comes to things that are ethically or morally or Biblically wrong, we should stand for truth.  But in love.

Love always wins.

I challenge each of us (and myself most of all) - when we are tempted to judge another mom or dislike a friend because of something that is different than how we would do it or because they look different than us - how about we pray for them instead? My pastor once said if there was a person in our lives we had conflict with, we should pray for them daily.  And after a while of truly praying for someone, it is nearly impossible to dislike them.  If your heart is in the right place, praying can make all the difference.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6:18 NIV)

Let's worry less about what our neighbors and friends are doing and more about what God is doing in our own hearts.

Let's make that difference in our circles.  Can we?  I'm starting with me!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Comings and Goings

Last week was our last day of school.  We have several schools in our area who are on a year round schedule including us! I LOVE it! We have a very short summer but we get breaks though out the year! And the kids and teachers don't seem to experience as much burn out.  And honestly I think 12 weeks of summer is a LOT for elementary aged kids.  

Doesn't Harper look 12 in her little outfit? I thought she looked so cute! 

I could just DIE over how much she grew in one year! And apparently we need to bottle up vitamins to sell looking at how much her hair has grown.  

Hollis had a friend over to play one day.  They had the best time.  Four year olds have funny social skills.  At first they wouldn't even look or speak to each other and then before long they were bossing each other around and laughing.  It was a fun day for her. 

I have enjoyed my days when I just had Hollis and Will Holden at home.  It gave me time to spend a little extra time with each of them.  

On Harper's last day of school, we drove over and met Scott for lunch.  

Then we got to experience something so wonderful.  My friend Melissa and her daughter Madeline who is one of Harper's good friends have had their husband/dad deployed for the last year.  He finally got to come home on Thursday and we had a huge group at the airport to surprise him.  I'm so grateful for men and women like him and it was such a happy day to see him come home! 
 The kids and I had a chick-fil-a lunch one day before Speech.  I messed up our speech time and got there two hours early (and it's 40 minutes away) so we had to stall before going back.  

This is how we roll in Lowe's.  We spent a looooong time there yesterday with Scott.  We bought a big play set for our back yard and he is building something to go under and around it.  He's going to put the play set together himself.  Stay tuned to see if our marriage and sanity survive this. ha! 

We took Scott out for lunch at Chuy's yesterday for an early father's day lunch.  The girls picked. They love Chuy's because they have push pops (a little secret - you have to ask for them - but your kids will love you if you do!)  We enjoyed spending the day with Scott. 

And today we gave Scott cards and celebrated him some more! I am so thankful my kids have a dad who loves them so immensely.  They will always be secure in their father's love.  That's the best gift we can give them! 

Happy Father's day to all the men in your lives (or to you for the 4 men who might read here. ha!) 

Friday, June 19, 2015


This is our new series - we are traveling state by state and getting tips from YOU on where to eat, where to shop, what to do.  

I will get a page added where there will be links to all the states eventually and I hope it will be a good reference page! 

Alabama is a state I LOVE and would live in in a heart beat.  We got a lot of great tips - hope these help you when you visit the Heart of Dixie.
(And all of you Bama girls - add any other places or tips in the comments)


Where to eat:  
 Little Donkey! Yummy southern Mexican food!
Steel City Pops (Best ever popsicles)

What to Do:
Hike at Oak Mountain State Park 
 Mcwane science centers Itty Bitty Magic City! A science floor for children 5 and under! 

Where to Shop:
Short and Sweet consignment boutique! It has the cutest consignment smocked clothes in perfect condition!!


Where to eat:
Hooligans - best hamburgers! It is a quintessential hole in the wall :) 
DePalmas - oh my word delicious Italian food. Get there early because they don't take reservations.
Cypress Inn - a nicer dinner option. Delicious appetizer muffins with a great view of the river.
Hokkaido - Japanese food is always so much fun! This is the Tuscaloosa favorite, although I felt Kobe was just as good

What to Do:
Visit the U  of A Campus


Where to Eat:
Main Street Cafe - In downtown Madison (close to Huntsville), you can have lunch in an converted jail (and it's really good!). They even have tables in the cells.
Po Boy Factory - a tiny piece of New Orleans in Huntsville. Mardi Gras type atmosphere and delicious food.
Chuckwagon BBQ - Texas style BBQ in Alabama! The most popular menu item is the chuckwagon sandwich made with brisket and sliced sausage.

What to Do:


Where to Eat: 
Mama Goldberg's Deli! They serve steamed sandwiches and are oeey-gooey delicious! My favorite is Mama's Nachos...Doritos with hot pepper cheese and jalapenos all steamed together.

What to Do:
Hit up Toomer's Corner


Where to Eat:
Black Rock Bistro - "The catfish ponchatrain is on the list of 100 things to eat before you die.  They fly in their fish fresh from the Gulf each weekend and the menu changes every week depending on what they can get fresh, local and in season.  They serve lamb, steaks, chicken, and at lunch they have amazing side dishes like fried okra soaked in Krystal hot sauce (seriously, you have NO idea how AMAZING this is) and mac and cheese."


The peach capital of the state. Stopping by the Peach Park is a tradition for many families headed towards the beach. They have homemade ice cream, pies and BBQ. It's located right off I-65.


Where to Eat:
Old Dutch Icecream. This is a locally owned icecream shop in Mobile! It has been in business 45 years and it is SOOO yummy! They make all their own icecream. It is definitely a Mobile staple and a must if you are coming to the city!


Where to Eat:
Ricatoni's - Italian restaurant with the best ravioli
Trowbridges is a little lunch spot that's been there for decades. They serve grilled cheese, hot dogs, chicken salad, and best of cream! 
Staggs - amazing burgers

 If anyone visits on the first Friday of each month, downtown is full of booths and stands from local artisans. You'd probably get to hear some great music too!


There are several cute little shops to shop at my personal favorite for clothing is "The Pink Parlor". There is a sweet little children's clothing store named "E+Me". There is also a clothing store for men that I love as well named "Cotton Creek". If I am shopping for my home I love to stop at "Perfectly Imperfect" (the owners, Shaunna and Matt West, filmed a pilot where they completely remodeled a couple's Troy home and it aired on HGTV last month)

Sweet tooth:
"Milky Moos" is a sweet little ice cream shop that can satisfy everyone's sugary dreams!!


Where to Eat:
Tacky Jack's (for breakfast especially)

What to do:
The outlet mall at Foley
The Track - fun for kids - mini golf, kid rides, go karts


The warehouse district has the best shopping and eating around. There is a large boutique called Monograms Plus that is to die for check out our Facebook page (Monograms Plus of Cullman) There is a deli called Rumor's Deli they have been featured in Southern Living magazine as a must stop. The warehouse district also has a super cute farmer's market. The Cullman chamber of Commerce Facebook page has tons of info on all the cute summer activities we have downtown (2nd Fridays is a big one and it's actually tonight!) They also host Rock The South that is a huge summer concert next week. It started as a tornado benefit concert from the 2011 tornado that ripped through the town. 

Some other great hot spots:
Mooresville, AL
Beautiful historic town in Limestone County.

Walls of Jericho
Estillfork, AL
Hiking trail on AL/TN line. Gorgeous waterfalls!!

Cathedral Caverns
Woodville, AL
Very cool experience. Tours in the cave.

To Kill a Mockingbird Town and Museum
Monroeville, AL

Ave Marie Grotto
Cullman, AL
Jerusalem in miniature

Tuscumbia, AL

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What's Up?

Summer is just sailing along.  

We are enjoying days with this boy! 

I had my final after baby check up yesterday.  It's hard to believe Will Holden is already almost two months old! We can't imagine our lives without him.  We have had a pretty easy transition to three kids. I will say I have forgotten how exhausting babies can be.  I think I look back on that time fondly and don't remember how all encompassing they are.  I get to the end of the day and realize I never had one minute in the day when I wasn't helping someone or feeding someone.  There is not a lot of down time.  Will Holden really doesn't nap during the day unless he is in his car seat and we are going somewhere.  This is good for us to be on the go but challenging the days we are home. He mostly wants me to hold him or he screams.  Thankfully I know this stage passes fast and there will come a time that I can eat a meal without bouncing a baby at the same time so I'm just enjoying it.  Everything I do takes a lot of planning and thought - how to get out of the house or go anywhere or make meals but I like to think it's just making me more organized. (ha!) 

Sunday, our cousin/friend Sarah Kate got baptized.  We help with baptisms so we let the girls come with us so they could be with her.  It was such a great day.  It was Sarah Kate's 7th birthday so it was very special for her! 

It was a special day also because Will Holden went to the nursery for the first time.  Even though he is my third and we basically live at church, it's still a little tough the first time you put your baby in the nursery.  I went and checked on him three times.  And every time they shooed me away. ha! Really I felt very comfortable because I know and love everyone who works in our baby nursery and I know how much they love our babies.  And they send me texts with pictures like the one above.  They obviously made him feel at home! 

I know it's hard to put your baby in the nursery - especially if they cry.  But I have have found that the best thing is just to keep going and be consistent.  They may keep crying for a while but eventually they will get used to it.  Staying away or keeping them out just prolongs it.  I just want to offer encouragement for those of you who hate leaving your baby - it gets easier.  Soon they will run into the classroom!!! 

Harper celebrated Sarah Kate at her party on Sunday afternoon! She had so much fun! 

Will Holden has starting smiling all the time and cooing.  He recognizes us and just smiles and it's the BEST!! I could bottle that up if I could and sell it! 

We call her the "baby whisperer". Will Holden can scream for hours and both Scott and I will try everything to calm him down. Five minutes with her and he's asleep - EVERY TIME. I'm sure he can sense her calm, happy spirit.  It's phenomenal.  Scott and I always just look at each other and laugh because it's so crazy.  I always tell her she will make the best mommy one day but she swears up and down she is never going to get married -she wants to live with us forever.  
We are hiring her out - $25/hr. (Just kidding - I need her!)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Here Comes the Bride


If you are an Alabama girl (or guy) - please remember to email me all of your favorite local places in any part of Alabama to feature in our special Alabama day on Friday.  Yes - we are going in alphabetical order and I'm sorry I didn't start this several months ago - but we will just carry on and I hope it will be a fun resource! (kellyskornerblog(at)gmail(dot)com)

I wanted to share the article in Celebrate Arkansas about ring bearers and flower girls that you helped me with!!! I had so many submissions and we just had to pick a few! If you are featured - I will be trying to get you a hard copy in the next few weeks! (see article online here).

Harper and Hollis were flower girls in a wedding this past weekend.  We had so much fun.  

Friday night we went to the rehearsal.  They did really well.  And we took Will Holden who slept the entire time.  

The bride's mom made the precious flower crowns for them to wear and had them on hangers with their names on them.  It's hard to tell in this picture but they are SO neat! It was such a sweet gift. 

The gorgeous bride Aaryn.  We have known Aaryn since she was probably 10 or 11.  She grew up in our church.  She is an amazing singer.  She just graduated from Ouachita and her husband is going to be a preacher.  She baby sat for us a couple of summers ago and we just adore her.  She's so full of joy and just inner beauty.  My girls are just crazy about her and I can't think of a better person for them to look up to.  

Aren't these ring bearers the cutest things? These are my friend Kerry's boys and their cousin.  They were precious. 

I'm overloading on pictures but they looked so sweet. 

I ordered their dresses off etsy.  If anyone is looking for a dress - I may be selling them soon for cheap.  :-) 

This is one of my favorite pictures because I love how Hollis is holding on to Harper with both hands.  It's so sweet to me how much they love each other. 

I love these pictures.  I'm going to frame a big one for their room but I can't decide - #1 or #2???

I curled their hair TWICE - at home and at the church - but it was a rainy, steamy day and Hollis' hair just wouldn't hold the curl.  

How neat is the groom's cake? He is in seminary in Memphis. 

Will Holden woke up screaming and had a horrible day yesterday.  We had planned to bring him because normally he will just sleep through everything but we decided it was easiest if Scott just kept him home. And no wedding needs a screaming baby!  I had to take a lot of picture for Scott to see his girls! 

They carried these wreaths down the aisle instead of tossing petals.  I thought they were so pretty! 

Harper drew this picture of the wedding.  You would have to know the church - but it was so accurate.  It looks just like the preacher and groom and the church had theatre seats and she even got the seat numbers correct.  It's crazy to me the details that kids notice.  A good reminder that their little eyes and ears are always taking everything in.

We were so honored to share in this couple's big day and it will be a great memory for the girls!