Thursday, February 26, 2015

Owning it

This week has been just a normal week full of Bible Study, grocery trips, a ton of laundry, and kindergarten homework.  Nothing really worth writing about or sharing.

But a fun friend I met through blogging has a series called "Owning It" where she asks different bloggers to guest blog about their own personal crazy.  She knows I LOVE to make fun of myself (I mean - there is a LOT to make fun of let's be honest).  I figure if you can't laugh at yourself, you are taking life too serious.

So if you didn't already think I was a little bit on the crazy side, you can go to Erika's blog and read more.   Erika is so cute and has the most precious family.  We got to meet at Dot Mom this past fall but we have gotten to know each other a little over the last year or two.  We have several random real life friends in common which is so fun!  You will enjoy reading her blog - a lot more than just reading about my weirdnesses.

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