I will admit, probably my favorite thing at Christmas is getting cards every day in my mail. I LOVE snail mail and I LOVE looking at everyone's cards!
I like to try and get our cards out the first week in December each year but this year I'm just behind on life for a million reasons so I'm mailing out the last batch tomorrow. Maybe it will get to everyone before Christmas day.
I wish I could mail out 10,000 cards but since I'm limited - pretend this is in YOUR mailbox from me to you!
We didn't take family pictures this year (see above about me being behind on life) so we just put the girls on the card - which is really the best of our family anyway. I can't wait until next year to see a sweet little baby in the middle!
I was thinking if I sent out a Christmas letter - these would be our highlights for 2014:
* Of course the number one highlight is finding out we were having a third baby! If you would had told me last Christmas we would be adding a boy to our family - you could have picked me up off of the floor. I'm still as shocked but mostly excited! I am so thankful for this unexpected blessing!
* Harper starting kindergarten. The years from baby to school age really do fly! And I was so nervous but she has blossomed in school. It has been an enormous blessing to watch her soak up learning and smile that huge toothless grin while she runs off to school each day! I love everything about her being in school!
* Hollis starting preschool. She is so shy but has warmed up to her teacher and friends and loves going! She's just ready to be in kindergarten like her big sister! I won't be as worried when she starts because she will be ready!
*Our beach trip this summer with our best friends. It was the most fun week and the girls ask me literally almost daily when we can go to the beach again.
*Revival in our church. I just love seeing God move in such a big way!
* Me working most of the year. It has been very eye opening to me to be a working mom. It's made me appreciate working moms in a WHOLE new way and made me re-examine my plans.
There have been a few down moments like my grandmother dying and finding out Harper is losing her hearing but for the most part our year has been full of more happiness than any family deserves. I always say you never know how much your life can change in a year. I have no idea what things will look like for us this time next year but we are going to take it one day at a time and try to enjoy each day as it comes!