I'm 19weeks!
I'm basically halfway there because I will have him early by c-section!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 19.5 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an apple!
Maternity Clothes: I got a few pairs of pants from Gap Maternity. Other than that I'm making normal clothes work for now.
Gender: Sweet baby boy. Still not 100% sure on his name. I'm hoping we will make up our minds SOON. I'm ready to start calling him by name!
Movement: I've been feeling him kick a lot!
Sleep: Sleeping great!
What I miss: Not a lot
Cravings: Just a big salt lick. :-)
Symptons: I'm actually feeling pretty great. I have a lot more energy right now and I'm not sick anymore. I just get tired at night. But I'm 40 with two small kids and I'm working. That would be true even if I wasn't pregnant.
Best Moment: We have our BIG ultrasound this Thursday. I'm just so ready to see him and hoping he is okay. We are taking the girls so I can't wait for the to see him on the screen!
Here I am with all 3 kids at 19 weeks. I feel enormous but I guess I'm not drastically bigger than last time.