Yesterday we went to Little Rock to Children's for an audiologist appointment. We are trying one different thing with her hearing aids. Our audiologist took an older pair that she had previously and reprogrammed it so that it shifts some higher frequencies down. Hopefully this will enable her to hear some of the high frequency sounds she can't hear. A lot of kids don't respond well to these because it can make sounds a little different. So far Harper has not complained and it did bring her hearing up a little when we tested.
Scott went with us which made the day a lot easier and he took Hollis out on the playground while Harper tested. I always hate for him to take off from work every time we go even though he always wants to but I wanted him there this time so he could hear from our audiologist.
She was very encouraging and I know she is doing everything possible to help Harper and will help us down the road. We are going to just go back more frequently and monitor how her hearing loss goes. We have discussed cochlear implants for the future when they become a better option.
Honestly - I feel so much better about things. Thank you for praying for us. I was so upset when I realized she might completely lose her hearing but I quickly realized that God already ordained all of her steps and she is going to be fine no matter what. We will be her advocates and her life will be just as full and wonderful as if she had perfect hearing. Who knows - it may even be better?
Thank you to everyone who took time to write me and tell me your story. I can't tell you what a gift it has been to our family.