Thursday, June 12, 2014

Overalls and Swatch Watches

I love #tbt (Throw back Thursday) because I have a plethora of awkward pictures from my teen years.  Growing up in the 80's/90's was just the best, right?

Today I posted this picture.  This was probably my favorite outfit of my junior high/ high school days.  These overalls (pleated by the way) and the Hurache sandals and my swatch watch.  Oh and a big bow in my hair (and you wonder where the love comes from). I thought I was practically on the cover of "Seventeen" when I wore this.

I also felt very stylish when I tight rolled my jeans and wore friendship bracelets and docker shoes where we rolled up the laces on the side.  I also had Coke reversible sweatshirts. And Benetton?

What was your favorite outfit when you were in high school?  (For some of you this may have been last year).

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