Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Mom's Night Out

I'm So excited about this movie coming out this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a movie about Moms and it's also faith related.   I'm going with a group of friends Friday night and I can't wait.  

And I want YOU to go out and see it too!!! 

In fact, as part of your Mother's Day - tell your husbands - you want to go with a group of friends or with him on a date and see this!!!! 

We need to support good movies like this so Hollywood will make more. 

Here is a little preview:

So I'm giving away four free tickets!!!!! Four of you will win a free ticket to see the movie.  I will pick winners Thursday morning so that we can get your ticket hopefully by the weekend or early next week so you can go see it!!!

I hope you will all go see this - I think it will be an encouragement to you!

Okay........ I'm doing this the simple, old fashioned way - you don't have to be on any social media! Just leave me a comment! To make it easy - can you please put your email address in your comment? Thank you!!!!

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