Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Is...........

What do you think of when you think of Family?

Do you think of your parents? Do you think of your grandparents? 

Do you think of your husband? 

Do you think of your kids?

Do you think of the family you hope to have?

Is it a happy thing for you or something that is painful.

For me - family is everything.  I'm thankful for the amazing parents who raised me and sacrificed to give me a wonderful childhood and who taught me how to love God and love others.  I'm thankful for grandparents who gave them that same legacy.  And I'm thankful for the chance to love two little lives and give them wings to change the world.  I'm thankful for my husband who is my teammate in life.  Family is comfort, home, peace and a hiding place to me.  Family is laughter.  Family is shelter from the storm. 

I'm writing an article for the July Family Edition of "Celebrate Arkansas" and I want to feature some of you and what your definition of family is.  I would love if you could leave comments here and/or email me with your words and a high resolution picture I could use.  I will feature several of you in the magazine and make sure you get a copy!!! 

I would love to hear what family means to YOU! 

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