Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Today I'm linking up with my friend Jessica for her first ever Throwback Thursday Stories Day.

So many of us do the #tbt (Throw Back thursday) pictures on Instagram or Facebook.  I love them because I can't resist posting the old awkward pictures of the past.  I love to laugh at myself.

Jessica is challenging us to not only post a picture but the story behind it.  So I thought it would be fun to join in and encourage you to do it also!!

I have a million pictures I could choose from but I laughed when I saw this and had to do it.  This is when Scott and I met Debbie Gibson at Wal-Mart.

We live in the home of Wal-Mart headquarters.  So the funny thing about little small town Bentonville, Arkansas is that we constantly have celebrities in town.  You literally never know when you might be shopping for groceries at Wal-Mart or eating downtown and you might run into Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise or Drew Barrymore (all have been here in the last year).   I worked at Wal-Mart for years and I ran into people like M C Hammer and Paula Abdual in the hallway at work just walking out to get a coke.

I think Scott and I had just gone to Wal-Mart this day and when I saw one of my old Teen Idols - I couldn't resist a picture.  This was before we were married when Scott would humor me.  He would roll his eyes at me now if I tried to make him do this. ha!

Shake your Love.  I just Can't Shake your Love.

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