So I have been hearing about this for probably a year or more and I just never jumped on board. When I went to Austin back in September with a group- they even gave us a great deal if we wanted to try it out.
And I just kept thinking, "I like to pick out my own clothes".
I like clothes. I know my body shape. I know how to hide the fact that I'm 40, have 2 kids and like to eat Mexican food. ha!
But for my birthday, my brother and SIL gave me a gift card to Stitch Fix. So I decided I would check it out. Why not? And I just got my first box this weekend and I thought it would be fun to blog about.
I'm sure most of you know about this or have tried it out. But for maybe the 10% of you who haven't....... Stitch Fix is like having your own personal stylist and never having to leave your house.
You go online and fill out a survey - like what you mostly wear (business clothes, casual clothes, formal {if you are the Queen of England}{just kidding}.) and you pick out your style and share your sizes. Then they send you a box of 5 items. They also send you a handy card that gives you ideas on how to wear these items.
So I thought I would try on the clothes they sent. I have to admit - I was VERY surprised that everything they sent fit and I actually liked. Most of it were things I would have never picked out in a store but I really liked them all. I made Scott take pictures of me. If you want to try and imagine the lack of enthusiasm he had for this and multiply that by 10,000 - you might be close to how stupid he thought this was. ha!
You can select the price points you want. You can pick "the cheaper the better" - not sure what the prices will be. I selected the next option this time and everything was under $60. But I would love for it to be closer to the $20-$30 range.