Monday, July 22, 2013

Just call me Church Lady

My chat today is going to spin off of my soap box on yesterday's post.  Here is what I wrote on that post:

{And on a side note. One of the most precious times I have ever experienced is the night before her surgery about 14 of the girls from my Sunday School class met at Jenn's house to pray over her. And twice recently I've met up with a big group from church to circle the outside of Janet's house to hold hands and pray for her. I am so thankful to have the neatest group of friends who I can laugh with and meet for play dates with but more importantly who I can pray with and when tragedy strikes - we jump into action and make meals and keep each other's kids and pray like crazy.  This is why I am always harping on y'all to PLEASE find a church home.  Church doesn't save you.  Church is not what makes you a Christian. Churches aren't perfect.  But having a church family (not just going on Sundays and sitting in a pew - but really getting involved in a church and serving) - is the best thing you can do.  When something bad happens in your life (and it will) - it's the greatest blessing to have a Sunday School class or cell group or life group who will pray over you and serve you and it's also a blessing to get to do that for others.  I can't say enough how vital I think it is to be active in a church. (and I know you can also get support from your non-church friends and that's awesome - but I think there is nothing like a group of friends that share your faith.)} {End of my soap box}

I get a lot of questions from people who want to go to church but don't even know where to start.  How do you find a church family? What are things to look for? How to overcome shyness to get involved.

I thought it would be great if you would share in the comments maybe how you found YOUR church and why it's important to you? Any tips you would give to people who maybe didn't grow up in church or have gotten far away from it and want to go back.

I grew up in church but as an adult I struggled to find the right fit.  I wanted a Bible believing church that lined up with my beliefs and values.  I'm Southern Baptist but I don't think denomination is as important as having a strong relationship with Jesus and finding a church and pastor who follow God's word.

I think you have to think sort of like JFK on churches........."Ask not what a church can do for you - ask what you can do for your church".  Too many people set out looking for what a church can give them and I think the wisest thing you can do is to find ways you can serve and get involved. That's the key to meeting people and feeling apart of it.

When we visited our current church about 10 years ago - I knew immediately that it would be our home.  We loved everything about it.  It was TOUGH for us to get comfortable at first.  We wanted to skip Sunday school every week because we were so nervous about meeting new people but it didn't take long for everyone to become dear friends.

I want to hear your thoughts on this topic. Maybe we can encourage a few of you out there!

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