Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Hollis

Oh my sweet baby Hollis,

Two years ago I got to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning scared to death to have surgery but so beyond excited to meet my second baby girl.  I couldn't imagine what you might look like or be like.

You looked nothing like your sister.  You had a head of dark hair. You were such a calm, sweet baby.

I couldn't believe I had been blessed with two beautiful girls. I still can't believe it and I thank God every day for blessing me so much.   Your birth was so great and I was so thankful for that! You have made our family complete!

Your sister has loved you from the beginning and you IDOLIZE her.  Ya'll are BEST friends! You fight and fight but at the end of the day you always hug and kiss and say "I love you" without being prompted.  She's the first person you want to see in the morning and the last person you want to say goodbye to at night.  You can't stand to be apart.  Y'all already have a bond that I hope will never be broken.
 I can't believe how much you have changed since your first birthday.  You were just barely starting to walk this time last year and now you are so fast I can't keep up with you.  You are no longer a baby.  You are a full fledged toddler and you seem older every day.  Keeping up with a big sister has made you do things much quicker.  I'm sad and happy at the same time.

 You are a FUNNY FUNNY little girl.  You always have a big smile on your face with that huge dimple flashing.  You have a huge vocabulary for your age and I love it. You LOVE to color. You also love princesses but I think Harper has had a lot of influence in that.  You aren't much into TV but you do like Dora and Thomas the Train.
You love to play with baby dolls. You also usually always have some kind of jewelry and a purse with you and you love those high heeled slippers to wear.  You are SO good about keeping your bow in. You never pull it out which shocks me.
You like to read books.  You love for me to sing at night. You always demand "song" after "song" after "song".

Your daddy calls you "wildcat" because you are a wild one right now.  We also call you "baby bug".   You are a good eater and will eat most things.  You LOVE avocados which is why I know you are a mini me for sure!  You are super mischevious but SUPER sweet.  You LOVE to hug and cuddle and kiss and you say "I love you" to all of us about 653 times a day.

You are just sunshine in our lives.  I can't imagine my life without you in it.  I love you more than I can even put words to.

They gave you this princess crown at school yesterday and you refused to take it off all afternoon.  You were so proud of it! We have a special day planned for you today and then next weekend we are having a party and you are SO excited about your birthday!

Happy second birthday Hollis Barrett! We love you SOOOO much! I can't wait to see the little girl and the woman you will become! I know you will be amazing!

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