Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pinterest - Love or Hate?

I love Pinterest.

I think it's a GENIUS idea.

I love getting recipe ideas.

I love that if I have a birthday party or a shower coming up - I can get hundreds/thousands of cute ideas to help me. 

But I'll be the first to admit - every time I get on Pinterest - I get a little bit of anxiety.  I get SO overwhelmed with all the crafty things I should be doing.  It's like Susie Homemaker OVERLOAD! 

So I mostly stay off of Pinterest. I've realized it's too much and I just use it when I need it. 

I read a GREAT blog by Jen Hatmaker last week on this.  Only she has a friend who expounded on it and went on to talk about just what the Proverbs 31 woman looks like and is that almost like Pinterest Pressure on Christian woman? I think all of you will love this:

Yesterday the local news called me and asked if they could interview me about my thoughts on the subject.  A mom in FL wrote a FB post about how Pinterest has stressed out moms everywhere and it went viral.  

Here is my interview:

I think just like facebook and blogs and twitter - you can use it to encourage and you can use the media forms to give you great ideas on how to better your life.  But you can NOT let comparison steal your joy.  They are all amazing things but you have to know your boundaries and know what works best for your family.  Just like kids usually like the boxes more than expensive toys - there is nothing wrong with small and simple.  Or if you are that mom who just enjoys the elaborate - go to town! 

I say LOVE social media all forms. 

Just use it wisely.

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