Saturday, September 15, 2012

You win some. You lose some.

 I don't know if you know this about me but I love me some hogs! And this is my happy place - Razorback Stadium.  We gave up our season tickets after we had the girls because it's just too hard to take the girls or get a sitter.  Scott and his friend Steve have tickets together now.  Since my mom had foot surgery - she offered me her ticket for the Alabama game and I have been SOOO excited. (Until last weekend's game and then I've been a little depressed. ha!) But no matter what I love everything about Razorback games and was excited to go!

I had a cute red dress with a red necklace all picked out to wear today but it was a rainy, stormy, gloomy day (which matched the theme of the game) so I had to scratch it and wear a poncho and rain boots instead.  But I did wear a Glam Gold hog on my shirt!
The game itself was awful but it was fun for me because it was a good flashback.  I went to every single Hog game from the time I was 11 until I was 29 (and engaged) with my dad.  After College when I moved to Fayetteville we also went to every basketball game together for years.  It was a special bonding time for us.  My brother never was a huge sports fan and my mom could take it or leave it so I was my dad's ballgame buddy and I loved it. I had to take this picture because this is how I always think about my dad at games - holding binoculours and with headphones in listening to the game on the radio (not pictured).  He has had the same tickets for almost 30 years so it was a familiar happiness today!

This is pretty much how I felt during the game.  I know my poncho is blue but Wal-Mart was completely out and Scott came home from a sports store with blue or yellow. It rained the whole game and we got killed.  And I tweeted this and I truly mean it..........some people think our down fall was our coach's unfortunate motorcycle accident (ahem) but I think it all started when they decided to switch from coke to pepsi at the stadium.  Who sells Pepsi at SEC games? Blech.

Our team may stink - but we sure have the cutest fans! 

How adorable are these Hog fans? They had their super serious game faces on for the picture? 
I hate to break the news to them that we lost. 
(I know you will ask - I had Ashley make these dresses. And I LOVE them.)

A big thanks to our sweet babysitter for keeping the girls all day.  I've never left them for that long with anyone but grandparents so I was so nervous and also worried our sitter would be nearly dead by the time we got home.  But she survived and so did the girls!

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