Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Taking baby home from the hospital

I'm writing the series of posts on pregnancy and a baby's first year.  Today is all about taking the baby home from the hospital.

Taking the baby home from the hospital is an exciting but scary time.  It's that point when most first time parents think "Wait - you are letting me go home with this baby? I have no idea what I'm doing???"  There can be a moment of panic.  It's also so exciting to enter your house as a new family.  Whether you are now a family of 3 or a family of 12 - the dynamics have changed and it's crazy and exciting.

My first thought on taking the baby home is obviously a super deep thought........what should the baby wear home? Maybe not everywhere - but it seems at least in the south that the first outfit they wear home from the hospital should be a special one.

Both of my girls came home in this sweet little lace dress and I later had it framed so I can keep it in our house always and treasure it.  One day they may want to bring their girls home in the dress and maybe it can be an heirloom.  Or maybe they won't want to. ha!

Another important thing to think about as you bring your baby home is the car seat.  Usually the hospital will check it before you leave to make sure it is properly installed.  I took ours to the police station a few weeks before each baby and had a person who was certified install it for me.  I just wanted to take every action to make sure the girls were safe.  It's so scary driving off with your baby in the back as you go home. I don't think we have ever driven as slow or as carefully as we did on that first drive home.

Thankfully - we always had time to prepare for our girls coming home so everything was in place. Newborn clothes were washed and ready to wear, the Pack &Play was set up and ready to go in our bedroom and the swing and bouncy seat were all in place just waiting for my girls to lay in.  When you get home - those are things you might need to do first if you haven't already.

To me it was so important just to be comfortable and to have sweet peaceful days with the new baby.  That means I wore a lot of pajamas those first few weeks and we kept the house quiet and calm.  (It's not always calm when the baby is screaming in the middle of the night - but we tried for calm!)

I know not everyone has this but one of the best gifts is when your friends and family bring meals for those first few weeks. It's so wonderful to not have to worry about meals while you are learning to take care of your baby.  I'm thankful to take meals to families with new babies because I know what a blessing it was to us.

Life changes when you bring home a baby but it's a wonderful change!

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