Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Un-birthday!

(Hollis wearing a dress my Mam-ma made for my mom 63 years ago)

I'm a day late - but Hollis is now 16 months old!

Hollis - you weigh around 27 pounds.  You wear a size 18 months clothes and a 5 shoe. 

You are such a great eater.  You will eat just about anything. You LOVE fruit - grapes are your favorite. I'm thankful you aren't picky.

You take 1-2 good naps a day and you are only getting up about once a night right now.

Your vocabulary is really growing. You say a lot of words and I can also tell you understand so much of what I tell you.  You are starting to follow commands which is neat to see that develop. 

You are pretty easy mannered and happy.  You have started the "terrible twos" fits from time to time. It's the whole "can't communicate" issue.  When you get mad - you get  REALLY mad. :-)

 You are super busy. And a climber. You keep me on my toes.

You have a funny little personality. I'm loving seeing who you will become! 

Harper at 16 months.  Y'all are alike in some ways and different in so many other ways. 

And yesterday was another big day - Harper is officially 3 and a half! 

That just seems so old......we are on the downhill climb to FOUR! In one month we start preschool! We start preschool choir and children's church. Life is going to change some for us this year - we have new things on the horizon and as sad as I am for you to grow up - I'm loving this new stage. 

Harper - your speech has really improved and taken off lately! 
You are so fun to be around. You are just the funniest little person I know. 

The days are flying by and my girls are growing fast. 

And I love you both more every day!

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