I am doing a series of posts about mothering that are sponsored by Huggies and BlogHer. I love doing this because I get to write about subjects I love and I'm not really promoting any products - just sharing my personal tales of mothering.
Today I'm talking about the week before delivery - what to do last-minute to get ready for baby to come.
For my first baby, Harper, I took my maternity leave starting a week before I was due so I would have time to finish up all my nesting and feel rested before the baby came. I'm so glad I did that. I spent the week cleaning and organizing - knowing we would have family staying with us after Harper came, I wanted things as neat as possible. I finished up washing all her clothes and getting her room completely ready for her to come home to. One thing I did before each of my girls was born was make and freeze 8-10 meals and that was SO handy. We are fortunate that our friends and Sunday School class made us meals after each baby. Between them and our family being here, I didn't have to cook for close to a month, but even after that it was SO nice to be able to pull something out of the freezer to pop in the oven while I was still trying to get a balance of caring for my kids. I made and froze the meals over a span of a few weeks before I had each girl and I would totally recommend that!
I usually wait until the last few days to pack my hospital bag because it's usually things I still need every day. I learned I didn't have to over-pack - even for a several-day stay after a C-section. I just took comfortable pajamas and a robe, a coming-home outfit, toiletries and outfits for the babies.
The "LOTness" of it All
1 year ago