Sunday, October 02, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

Well - we have had a busy weekend.  Scott decided last minute he would go down south and deer hunt because it was opening bow season.  That left just us girls at home.  We stayed home Friday night and I put them to bed early so I could go to bed early.  

Yesterday morning we just hung around our house and watched the Razorback game (which I can't believe we actually won).  I got us all ready and we headed out to make several stops.

My friend Amber made these dresses for the girls when Hollis was born.  I thought she bought them somewhere until use mentioned she made them.  I didn't even know she could sew. SO CUTE! 

Our church has a huge youth event every year called DNOW (Discipleship Now).  Basically they put 10-15 kids in host homes where they stay all weekend. They bring in music and a speaker and it's like a mini camp.  It's an amazing weekend.  This year we had almost 500 youth attend!!! I love it because our church kids did so good at inviting their friends who don't go to church.  My friend Tracy hosted 14 9th grade girls and 2 college students.  The college students lead the devotions and disciple the youth.  The girls and I stopped over there yesterday afternoon to say hi to our Sunday School girls.  They had some free time and were making up a dance routine to the Christian rapper LaCrae.  I felt so old. :-)
We went from there down to Fayetteville to our friend Brody Francis' 3rd birthday party at a jump place.  Jennifer JUST threw his sister's 1st birthday party 2 weeks ago.  I don't envy her planning two parties in two weeks.  He had a golf theme and these cupcakes were so cute. One of her friends made these!
Harper had the best time.  She took off the minute we got there and ran around like crazy.  I also think she ate at least 3 cupcakes. Yikes! She didn't nap yesterday so I had a bad feeling about party hopping all afternoon but she really wasn't too bad.
My camera is being worked on so I took all these pictures with my iPhone so the quality isn't too great.  This is the birthday boy Brody! He is SO cute! I've been reading Jennifer's blog since she was pregnant with him and now we are good friends. I can't believe how fast three years has flown by.
We left that party and headed back home to go to another party at another jump place for our friend Jackson who was turning 4! I need you to look at this picture.  I was holding Hollis and my friends said "um - have you seen Harper?"  She was over playing table hockey with all these big boys.  And she was telling them what is what.  Seriously - y'all need to pray for me.
All the kids at the party
Jackson the sweet birthday boy.  He is such a sweet boy and he posed so easily when I asked him to.  You can tell his mom is a photographer.  We had so much fun at the parties.

We came home and were all dog tired.  The thing I hate the most when Scott is gone is trying to do bath and bed time by myself.  It's hard with two. (I can't even imagine what you do with 3 or more).  So for the first time - I bathed both girls together.  It worked out pretty good.  Hollis especially loved it!
I help out with baptisms at church and today was a HUGE honor because we had over 50 kids saved this weekend and 22 of them got baptized this morning.  It was crazy but I had huge tears in my eyes watching them praying that their lives would be forever changed.  We had an amazing church service and I'm so thankful for a church who puts so much emphasis on reaching youth and growing them in the Lord.  So many kids leave our church and go into the ministry.  I pray every day that the youth group and youth leaders are this sold out for Christ when my girls get to be this age.  I love to see this generation have such a passion for God when the world is filled with so many other things to entice them.

I hope y'all had an amazing weekend too.  It's October, can you believe it?

I need to add - the winners for the personalized shirt are (I drew with random integer but forget to save the page.......sorry):
#62 Lacy Campbell
#975  Jennifer Olson
#1046  Natalie
I'm emailing each of you so look for it!

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