Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Going dark and an idea

So I got my hair done last night and got some low lights and went a little darker. Can you tell? ha! This was before and after with my iPhone so the pics aren't too hot.  It's just a gradual change.  I would love to go full on dark but my gray would show up too much.  But I like the darker blond.
That was totally shallow to share but ............I did anyway. :-)

Thank you for all the sweet comments about yesterday's post. I'm so excited to share this journey with you. I wish I could take you all with me.  AND so.......

I had an idea.  I would love if you have a Compassion child - for you to do a guest post on here about your child and maybe why you chose to sponsor and what that experience has been for you.  It would be AWESOME if you chose to sponsor because of a blog trip but that's not required.  Depending on how many of you want to do this - I may add 1 or more on every post from now until I go or there may just be 2 of you who want to and then I'll just do it right before.  If a lot of you want to - we may continue it on after my trip.

SO if you would like to share - please include a a picture of you and your family (I said this earlier but I wasn't thinking - I WON'T be posting any pics of the compassion kids. Sorry), your blog address if you have one and your story and email me at  I think it will be fun to share YOUR stories and maybe it will inspire more people than just hearing it from me!!!

(and I just want to publicly apologize that I'm so terrible with email.  I'm trying.  I really am.  It has nothing to do with your emails not being important and everything to do with my life just getting in the way.)

And just because - a picture of a little darling in pink.  You may notice I seem to have more pictures of Hollis than Harper these days.  It's because she will sit still and smile and not run away screaming "NO PICTURE! NO PICTURE!" ha! Her day will come.

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