well - y'all - I don't get on Facebook enough to know - but apparently there is a facebook page called Crockpotgirls that JUST started and they already have like 300,000 members and about that many recipes. Maybe we should just all check that out instead of Crockpotalooza????? Great minds are all thinking alike these days I guess!
And I will add that one of my favorite blogger friends, Boomama, is having a DIPTACULAR Dip Linky tomorrow to go along with the start of football season. And since my favorite food is literally chips and dips (all kinds) - I will be checking that out for sure!!!!! Y'all need to visit!!!
I wanted to write down a little update on Harper's "special ears". We really weren't doing too great and I was getting really discouraged. She wouldn't wear them for more than about 15 minutes a day. But for the last week - she has worn them between 2-4 hours a day and is getting a little better every day with them. I'm so happy. It's taking us a while to get to full time wear but I'm just trying to be patient. It's a big adjustment - especially at her age. She has them on in this picture and you can barely tell.
I took this the other day at the splash park and I have no reason to post this except for pure sweetness.
CROCKPOTALOOZA - Wednesday ALL Day!!!!!!