Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Show us your life

I think a lot of you enjoy the SUYL Fridays. I love that so many of you participate.

I have topics through July but I'd love your feedback - what would you like to read about for the rest of the year???

Leave me ideas in the comments!! I'll try to do as many as we can!!!

And take note that this Friday is a day to link up to your etsy shops, etc and NEXT Friday is the all popular "Singles Day". Have I mentioned after doing the last two days like this - there is a married couple, an engaged couple and three more "probably will get married" couples. That blows my mind!!!

And I like the idea of ways to find bloggers like yourself..............maybe an "older bloggers" and a "not mom bloggers" and "find moms clubs in your areas bloggers" or "working mom bloggers" ..............????