Sunday, May 01, 2011

Harper - Do you Hear Me?

We've had a pretty quiet weekend at home.  Hollis has been having what I think is either some tummy (gas) problems and/or what I hope is her 6 week growth spurt.  She has been screaming/crying almost 24/7 for the last 2 days or so.  I have been thinking for a while that newborns are so much easier compared with toddlers and for the most part they are - but when it comes to the constant crying/screaming - that is a whole different ballgame. It just rattles your nerves and is so sad.  Especially when you exhaust every thing you can think of to make it better - and let me tell you I have.  She has been getting up every 1-2 hrs at night so needless to say - I'm a little tired.  But it doesn't bother me because this time around I know (or at least I hope) - this too shall pass.  ha! We got in the car as a family Saturday morning in our pj's and just drove around for about an hour for some peace. Crazy with these gas prices but the sound of quiet was priceless. ha!
 Saturday afternoon we went to a birthday party for one of Harper's friends, Brandon, who turned 2.  They had bounce houses set up and Harper had a great time.  Of course we got there about 45 minutes late because waking Harper up from a nap and getting Hollis fed and them both dressed took WAY more time than I had planned for. Story of my life right now.  We didn't take many pictures because our hands were full. But Harper had a great time and was NOT happy when we had to leave!
I'm going to have to start writing down more often (as in almost daily) the funny/crazy things she says and does because she is at such a fun age.  It's so hard because there are times I need to get on to her and I am laughing hysterically instead.  Like almost every night when she takes her clothes off approximately 15 minutes after we put her to bed.  She did it Saturday night.  I went in and got her dressed again and told her she could pick one animal to sleep with.  She has a huge basket of stuff animals near her bed and every night she wants to sleep with a different one.  That night - she wanted to sleep with a football. Not a stuffed one - a small one she and her daddy like to play with. I almost died. I am CLEARLY raising her right because she loves Jesus and football.  She's the perfect Southern girl. ha!

Today we started helping with baptisms at our church.  We are excited to serve in this way but we have to be at church by 8:30 which is not easy.  (I just have to pause here and say that I used to leave for work every morning by 6:30 when I was single and even first married and I would hear SAHM's say they didn't get up until 7:30 or 8 and I would think "ugh - ya'll are LAZY!" ha ha ha! It's funny how judgemental you can be when you don't understand a situation at all.  Raising little kids is anything but lazy.  I've learned more and more over time to put myself in people's shoes and judge less and less. I could go on and on about how we moms REALLY need to judge each other less and less...... but I won't. )

Anyway - I was so proud because we were all dressed and fed and even had a few minutes to take pictures of the girls in their matching dresses today! And Hollis did SO good at church - so I think we are back in the clear.  She has been a lot happier today.

After church we went over to Laurie and Steve's for lunch.  I would have taken pics there but I got out my camera and had left my card in the card reader. We got home and I put Harper down for a nap.  She was yelling after a few minutes so I went to settle her down and she was naked. UGH! So I dressed her and told her several times "Harper - you can NOT take your clothes off".  And then I would say "What did Momma say?" and she would say "Don't take your clothes off".  
Then she ran out to see her daddy and I said "Harper - what did Momma tell you" and she said "Don't take your clothes off" and then she added "Harper - Did you hear me?"
Scott and I were dying laughing because I obviously said that more than a few times to her. But to hear her say it was hilarious.  How do you not laugh??