Monday, May 02, 2011

Daughter of the King!

We had a day at home today.  We played dress up.  After seeing the royal wedding - it was time to break out our family jewels and let Harper practice being a princess herself!

I loved watching her watch herself in the mirror and putting on her jewelry.  So cute! As a mom of girls - I'm SO concerned with making sure they feel beautiful and smart and have a good sense of self worth but at the same time - don't want them to focus too much on their looks. It's SUCH a hard balance. Even at this age - I love to dress them up - but as my mam-ma always said "Pretty is as pretty does" and if they are acting horrible - the cuteness only goes so far. I want to help them with their inner beauty more than than their outward.
But I also want them to have confidence and not to have to seek approval from others because of how they look.  Especially with boys! I'm thankful they have a dad who makes them feel loved and special. I think that is SO key.  I just want to guard their hearts. Lord - give me wisdom in this!

I put Hollis in this little onesie today! Tri Chi was my "sorority" at OBU.  She will be in the pledge class of 2030 .........unless she picks a different sorority (or none) or a different school. ha!

Harper on the left and Hollis on the right in the same onesie at about the same age.  They almost favor a teeny bit here.
We stayed in our pj's today but Harper broke out her tutu and flower head band.  She wanted me to wear one too.

Me and my flower girl!

The King is Enthralled with your beauty; Honor Him, for He is your Lord.  Psalm 45:11

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