I enjoy the chance to spend a little one on one time with this sweet thing while her sister goes to MDO. She is 7 weeks today and getting cuter and sweeter each day! She is really starting to smile and interact.
And in case you are wondering - she looks a lot like me but she looks JUST like my brother. (Hey Chris and Carrie - want to know what your kids will look like? Ha!)
I just wanted to thank y'all so much for all your words of encouragement on yesterday's post. This is one reason I love blogging - I don't know hardly anyone in real life with hearing issues or who have kids that wear hearing aids - and in one night I heard from hundreds of you!! Wow! And you might have connected with each other! Love that blogging makes you feel so UN-alone!
And random but .......I lost interest in American Idol this year. They kept kicking off the people I like. But have you seen "The Voice"? I LOVE it!!! It has beaten Idol out for me!