Happy Good Friday! So thankful for Jesus who loved us so much that He died for our sins so we could have ABUNDANT life eternally with Him!
This is one of my absolute favorite videos. Everytime I see this I get chills, tears in my eyes and I just kind of want to stand up and PRAISE Him!!! Jesus didn't just die on Friday - He rose again!!! He's alive!!!
My parents drove over today to spend a few hours with the girls. I know they were excited to see Hollis and how she has grown. They couldn't believe her curly dark hair!
Someone was a little jealous that she wasn't the complete center of her grandparent's attention. She kept insisting my dad "hold her like a baby". Kind of hard to hold a 36 pound baby in a cradle hold. ha!
They brought the girls some Easter goodies. Harper got some rain boots which should come very in handy in the rainy months of April and May around here.
Hollis even got a basket and if you look closely - she is even smiling about it!
The girls were wearing matching dresses today. Harper didn't want her picture made with Hollis while her grandparents were here but I talked her into it tonight.
She may have a little jealousy over her sister - but at the end of the day - she loves her!
My friend Bethany took this picture at play group the other day and I'm just in love with it. I love her big eyes and lips. Someone left me a comment saying this and I hadn't thought of it before - but do you think she looks a little like Drew Barrymore in ET? (I didn't watermark so you can compare)!