Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Harper

Tomorrow is Harper's actual birthday but we celebrated today. Both sets of her grandparents were here and we ate lunch and enjoyed some time with her. We opened family gifts and then we had her birthday party this afternoon. This was her invitation!

Our families got her some fun things - some fun toys and puzzles and books. She was so excited about everything!
Scott's parents got her this precious baby carriage! I know she will love pushing this around!
Scott has been wanting to get this doll for Harper since he saw a commercial for it a few months ago. It's Baby "All Gone". She drinks apple juice and eats bananas (two of Harper's favorites) and says "All gone" and "Where did it go?" which are two things Harper has said forever. She loved it!
Our family of four. It seems like yesterday I was packing my bag to go to the hospital to have her - I can't believe we were packing up to go to her second birthday party instead.
My friend Robin made me some cookies to have at the party! They taste as good as they are cute!
It was SO nice to have Harper's party at a fun place and not at our house. I didn't have to clean before and after or stress too much. We just showed up with cupcakes and cookies and everything was taken care of! I hope all the kids had fun - I know Harper had the BEST time!
Her little Mickey outfit turned out so cute!
She ran around like crazy and just had a blast! I was SOOOOO thankful that I had all the grandparents there to help me! Scott was taking pictures and I was trying to set up things and visit and the grandparents followed her around and had fun with her. My mom was also in charge of taking pictures and we took several great pictures of Harper with her grandparents but they are on her camera so I can't share them. Harper is VERY blessed to be so loved.
We "tried" to get a group picture but trying to get 30 kids under 5 was impossible. I'm pretty sure this was the best one and you can see how great it was. Oh well - it's true life isn't it?
I got cupcakes from Sam's which are the best really and got cute little toppers off etsy for them.
Harper being sung to and about to blow out her candles. I don't think she ever REALLY realized this was HER birthday party. ha!
I'm pretty sure this was the best part of her day. She talks about cupcakes on a daily basis but only gets one every few months so I kept telling her we would have cupcakes at her party. She was thrilled!
Everyone getting sugared up
For favors I got Mickey Mouse coloring books at Dollar General and tied them up with a little tag.
These are just of a few of our friends who were able to come. I think there about eight other families there - but their pictures are on my mom's camera! ha! We are blessed with so many amazing friends! Thank you for sharing in our day with us!!!!

I'm tired!
I can't believe my baby is two!