Tuesday, December 14, 2010

26 weeks

I'm 26 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Hollis is the length of an English cucumber
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 9 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.
Gender: It's a girl!!! Hollis Barrett Stamps
Movement: I've been feeling the baby a lot more lately!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Nothing really - maybe sleeping on my stomach?
Cravings: Mexican, baked potatos
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few Braxton Hicks
Best Moment this week: Really feeling Hollis kick a LOT!

I have to let you know - I'm not always so fixed up every day. My actual day is Monday to turn over the week but since Monday is our day to stay home - I never get out of my pj's and I never wear make-up or fix my hair. Tuesdays we have Bible Study in the mornings at church and it's the one day of the week I really try to get dressed and look half way cute. I want to dress up every day but it just doesn't always work out. But it makes me feel better at least once a week to look like a human! :-)
I can't decide if I look bigger with Hollis or with Harper. I think I'm close to the same?

Today our Women's Ministry had a lunch to celebrate the end of fall Bible Study. It was so much fun! If you have a church that has a women's ministry - you should get involved! I love spending time with women old and young! These are a few of my friends - Amber, Rachel and Amy!
Kacy and Amanda
The women's council was in charge of the food and I'm on it so I had to start my day VERY early this morning to get me and Harper ready and make two kinds of soup and get out the door before 9 a.m. I'm tired now just thinking about it. We had soup and salad and dessert and it was perfect for a cold day!

Laurie and I! This is our first year to be on the council and we are loving it! I love serving in some way in the church!
Vonda and Bethany. Bethany is holding our friend Janna's brand new baby Whitney. I went and picked up Janna and the baby since she can't drive yet. Harper was already at church when I got them and when I took them home it was fun to see Harper checking the baby out. When Whitney cried - Harper said "Uh Oh!". It made me think about what our life will look like in 3 more months!
Stacy and Erin. I love these two girls. They both have servant's hearts (in a BIG WAY!)

I want to ask you to pray for two families:

This family has twin girls who are 20 months old - Evie and Ramsey. I don't know the details but a few nights ago Evie died in her sleep. I can't imagine how they must feel having a daughter so close to that age. From what I understand they lost a child at birth before this. Can you please lift them up?

This little girl is 13 months old and her parents just found out last week she has stage 4 neuroblastoma. Please pray for her. I know her parents could use your prayers.

Pray for all those who have lost children this year (or ever). Today I got two Christmas cards from friends who have lost children in the last year or so. They both honored their babies' memories through their cards in such sweet ways and I think about how hard the holidays must be for them.

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