Friday, October 29, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Guest Rooms

Today is Guest Rooms and this is the last time anyone will be seeing my guest room because it's about to be changed into Hollis' room.  I have a LOT of work to do! :-)  This also leaves the grandparents wondering where they are going to sleep when they come to town. ha! What do you do when you don't have a guest room and the grandparents come? Any suggestions?

There isn't a whole lot going on in this room. It's just warm colors of gold and brown. This bed is usually also home to my laundry collection. I pile it all here until I can get the energy to fold it and put it away which can sometimes be days. (So I just keep the door shut a lot. ha!)
I love the picture of Harper as a baby that's over the bed!
The closet in here is packed full with all sorts of miscellaneous stuff. This is going to be a major project to get it cleaned out and ready for baby. I'm not looking forward to that. ha! I'm looking forward to fixing up a nursery - just not cleaning it out!

I know a lot of you may not have guest rooms but if you do - let's see them!!!!

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