Scott was out of town this weekend to do some "pre-hunting preparations" so Harper and I decided to make a little trip to visit my parents. The hogs played at 11 and I decided the only way for me to really "see" the game was to put her in the car and leave then so I could listen to it. We pulled up to my parents house with 1 minute left in the game and I couldn't get out of the car until I heard if we were going to overtime or if we would lose. And then we won with 1 minute left. I jumped out of the car and was yelling and jumping up and down like a crazy woman. It's a good thing my parents live way out in the country!My mom went to the Beth Moore simulcast Saturday so Dad and I spent the afternoon playing with Harper and trying to watch a little football. My mom came home and we ate pizza and watched some more football!
Sunday Harper and I got to visit my parent's church. My dad is a pastor so it's always special for me to get to hear him preach. And Harper got lots of attention from the sweet people in their church. She was really sweet this weekend. She even started saying "Nonny" to my mom. She says "nonna" but it's close enough!
Harper is just in love with my parents and with their dog "Bop". She looks for him constantly.
Her favorite thing is to ride around in her little car at their house. My poor dad pushed her and pushed and pushed her.
We enjoyed our visit. We came home this morning and I'm glad to be home. Harper has been so funny today. Some days she can just wear me out but today she has just been a joy. She has been making me laugh all day with her funny expressions. She has also been sleeping SO good which I think has put us both in a better mood. I'm SO thankful and hope it continues!
WE love you Poppa and Nonny! We look forward to seeing you this weekend when we go to watch our #10 Hogs take on #1 Bama!!! It will be the biggest game we've had up here in a LONG time! I can't wait!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago