Yesterday morning we travelled over to my parents to spend a couple of days with them. I had to show you Harper in this outfit because I just absolutely LOVE it! My friend Aimee made if for her daughter and sold it to me in the pile of clothes I bought from her this week. It fit perfect and I could just eat her up. I wish I was that talented to sew cute things!
My brother and SIL came in from Dallas and it was good to see them. They hadn't seen Harper since Thanksgiving so they got in some bonding time with her. She warmed up to them pretty quick especially because they brought her some cute books she loved!
Harper is NUTS over my parents adopted lab "Bops". She calls all dogs "bop bop" and she just giggles and goes crazy over him. It's so cute! If he wasn't so big and didn't shed - I believe we would take him home with us but he's better suited to the country anyway!
Here she is with the other man she is nuts over. She has always loved my mom but lately she has become "poppa's girl". She says "Poppa" over and over and runs all over looking for him. She has been attached to him this weekend. I was a daddy's girl and she is a grandpa's girl. I love the look on her face in this picture.
My mom cooked a wonderful summer meal for us last night of grilled chicken, corn, fruit salad, green salad and peach cobbler and my aunt and uncle came for dinner. My parent's best friends from seminary 28 years ago came in from GA and they came to dinner also. The man preached at my dad's service today!

This morning was a special service honoring my parents for 25 years of service at their church. It was a really sweet service and I know they felt so loved. Their church (the one I grew up in) is such an amazing church. The people are so serving and loving. God had a very perfect plan when he sent my dad there.

Me and my girl before church. I was worried how she would do in a different nursery but she walked right in and immediately starting stealing cookies out of a little boy's hand so I knew she was right at home. ha! She didn't sleep well last night (surprise) so she was tired but she got fired up with all the attention she got at church.

Our family

After church they had a big church lunch of yummy BBQ! It was fun to see so many people. I wish I could have visited more with a lot of people. I saw a lot of friends I haven't seen in a long time. Jamie is one of my dearest friends and I was thrilled she came home for this! Crosby and Harper are about the same age and Harper was pretty sweet on Crosby. She kissed him about 12 times after church. I wish we had a better picture together but both kids were melting down at this point. I wish I had taken a picture with her sister Micaela who I also love and all the other sweet friends but I was so busy keeping up with Harper I just didn't take many pictures today.

The "kids" in our family - me and Scott and Chris and Carrie. We are so blessed to have the parents and in-laws we have!
Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13