I had such a wonderful day yesterday. I drove to Little Rock and spent the day with two of my best friends/roommates from college - Kandi and Leigh Ann. We all 3 had family keeping our kids and we spent 6 hours together just talking and laughing. It was so fun. We ate lunch at Trio's which was SO good and then went back to Kandi's house and just talked. We have been friends for almost 20 years! I wanted to post a picture of us from our OBU days but figured they might kill me. They are the kind of friends who I can go a whole year and not see them and we just pick right back up as soon as we see each other!
I drove 3 hours there and back and I loved just having quiet time in my car with no sesame street or praise baby playing. One of my favorite things on road trips is to scan radio stations and listen to different kinds of music. It was funny yesterday because I promise every station I landed on would be playing a song from high school or college and it just took me back! I think no matter how old you are - the songs from those times in your lives will probably always make you smile. I quit smiling when one station I was listening to who was playing lots of my old favorites came on with their station jingle and they were "OLDIES 99.3". SERIOUSLY? Kandi, Leigh Ann and I did spend some time discussing gray hair and wrinkles - so I guess it is true. We are officially old.Meanwhile - back at home.........Scott and Harper had daddy/daughter day. I think they had a lot of fun and I think Scott appreciates how hard it is to take care of a busy toddler all day. He took her for a slush and she LOVED it.
Harper's FAVORITE game to play with daddy is to get her baby doll and put her shoes on the doll. She will pull Scott into her room or the living room and make him put shoes on her doll for hours. She never tries to play it with me. I always think it's hilarious that this very all boy guy who likes football and hunting wound up with a daughter who makes him play dress up. And he loves it. He's such a great dad.
I know they had a good day because Harper wanted daddy today instead of me. She just ran giggling to him when she got up. She usually favors me but it was all daddy today. I love that!
I put her in dog ears for church this morning! I just had to show you! I was SHOCKED when I picked her up and they were still in her hair. I totally expected her hair to be down. I think the nursery workers worked hard to keep it up for me! :-)
Hope you had a nice weekend!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago