Maybe I'm in a blogging funk this week. I can't seem to come up with blog titles besides the day of the week. Sad. ha!Well, sadly my mom left us this morning and we were back to ourselves. Sweet girl took a long nap this morning which I was thankful for because I needed to make dinner for some friends at church. I made them the enchilada ring. I was so sad because I planned to make them guacamole to go with it and all the avacados I had were not ripe enough. I had enough filling left over - that I made us the same dinner!
Harper and I made a little trip to the TJ's this afternoon and I spotted THIS lamp!!! They had it in pink and green and I debated for a minute but I loved the green. I know that as she grows I'd like to use more lime green in her room and also pinks are hard to match.
I have wanted a lamp for her table for a while now but just couldn't find the right one and so I could not pass this one up. Mostly because A. I'm a sucker for all things animal print and B. It was only $30 which is a great price for a lamp!

And finally - I totally forgot to ever post the 2 winners from the Hymn CD giveaway (For His Glory) but they are and!