I have a group of friends that have been meeting each week for a Bible Study and I know I've said it before but it's been the MOST amazing time. We have had different girls/women sharing their testimonies and I've been blown away each week. I sit and look around a lot of Sundays at all these amazing Christians and think they have all grown up in perfect homes with perfect lives and I'm finding that is SO not true. So many have been through so many different struggles and it's just so neat to hear how big and GOOD God is to deliver each one and redeem them.
This week was the best yet. We have two girls who I admire so much in the church and not just because I see them filling a pew each week at church but because I have seen both in action being Christ to others. They each had testimonies that left me just in AWE! I admire both even more now and I've just been thinking about their stories all day!
God really is able to immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:2o)!!After Bible Study - Harper and I took off and drove to my parents house. They live in a small town and way out in the country. It's so peaceful where they are. When we got to their house - this tiny little deer ran in front of me and I stopped to take his picture. If you look real hard you can see him kind of bowing down. He was SO scared. My dad said he was born yesterday!
Little Miss HBS has been having a big time! She has run all over their house and played with everything she could get her hands on.
My parents got her this car last time she was here and she got in and out of it about 300 times this afternoon.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago