Long time ago in south AR in the early 20's - there were four little girls who lived with their parents. Their mother had a fifth child - a boy - who died at birth and a few days later she died also. These four girls grew up down in Magnolia or the area nearby and their children mostly still live there. One of those girls was Scott's grandmother and one of them was Laurie's grandmother. And yesterday - all the children and their families got together at Scott's parents deer camp for a reunion.

These are the kids - Scott's dad is in the red shirt in the center and Laurie's mom is standing in front of him

This swing was a BIG hit with the little kids - there was at least one kid in the swing at all times

This is
Ashlyn. She is Harper's second cousin. Their dads were first cousins and grew up down the road from each other. She is so precious.

Laurie and Harper

It was
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot. I thought I was going to die of a heat stroke. Scott's dad fried fish and it was SO good. We had all the fixings with fish and a table full of desserts. I felt like I
sweat enough to deserve more than a couple desserts!

I think it's so fun that
Laurie and I were best friends in college (and still are) and that I ended up marrying her cousin and now we are at family reunions together. Laurie and I probably had the least fun of anyone at the reunion because we were both nervous wrecks watching our girls and keeping them out of trouble. We were both WORN OUT by the time it was over.

We brought Harper's pool up there and the kids had so much fun. They were slipping and sliding and soaking wet.

Laurie and I looked at old family pictures while the girls played with blocks

Scott took us and the bigger girls for rides around the deer woods. It was a lot of fun!

I took the little girls on wagon rides. This is
Ashlyn, Sarah Kate and Harper. They loved this!

Our family. Scott's dad had his eyes closed in both pictures I had but I wanted to post our family. I have some kind of crazy eye infection that I get about once every 6 months so I look a little crazy myself. And I was a ball of sweat.

Laurie's family. Steve had to stay home and work and we missed him.
Laurie and I found old letters that her grandmother, who was the oldest, wrote her aunt when she was 14 after their mother died. It was so
interesting. I LOVE to think about how women and mothers lived back in the 1800's or early 1900's. Or really any time besides our own. I try to think about them raising several children and how they didn't have air conditioning or blogs to entertain them or TV or microwaves to heat bottles or warm food or Sonic to drive
thru and they had to kill chickens to cook for dinner or pick their own vegetables PLUS take care of the kids. I told Laurie the Lord knew I needed to be born in this era because I would have never cut it back then. Really when I think about it - how women lived then was not that different than how women in third world countries live. I need to stick that in my pocket for the next time I'm tempted to complain about ANYTHING in my very comfortable life.